Browse Source

fixed notifications, increased zoom limit on indoor

cdmoss 2 years ago
83 changed files with 43 additions and 28397 deletions
  1. 2 2
  2. BIN
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  15. BIN
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  19. BIN
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  24. BIN
  25. BIN
  26. BIN
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  28. 0 84
  29. 0 721
  30. 0 60
  31. 0 1
  32. 0 0
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  36. BIN
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  38. BIN
  39. BIN
  40. BIN
  41. BIN
  42. BIN
  43. BIN
  44. BIN
  45. BIN
  46. BIN
  47. BIN
  48. BIN
  49. BIN
  50. BIN
  51. 0 300
  52. 0 413
  53. 0 72
  54. 0 288
  55. 0 788
  56. 0 1440
  57. 0 1599
  58. 0 619
  59. 0 285
  60. 0 3683
  61. 0 5348
  62. 0 1564
  63. 0 186
  64. 0 191
  65. 0 102
  66. 0 12
  67. BIN
  68. 0 560
  69. 0 9163
  70. 0 761
  71. 0 11
  72. 0 102
  73. 4 4
  74. 1 1
  75. 1 0
  76. 0 4
  77. 5 3
  78. 0 3
  79. 4 4
  80. 0 7
  81. 24 8
  82. 0 4
  83. 2 2

+ 2 - 2

@@ -140,8 +140,8 @@ android {
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-        versionName "0.1.4"
+        versionCode 28
+        versionName "0.1.8"
     splits {
         abi {



























+ 0 - 84

@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-  "name": "axios",
-  "version": "0.21.4",
-  "description": "Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js",
-  "main": "index.js",
-  "scripts": {
-    "test": "grunt test",
-    "start": "node ./sandbox/server.js",
-    "build": "NODE_ENV=production grunt build",
-    "preversion": "npm test",
-    "version": "npm run build && grunt version && git add -A dist && git add bower.json package.json",
-    "postversion": "git push && git push --tags",
-    "examples": "node ./examples/server.js",
-    "coveralls": "cat coverage/ | ./node_modules/coveralls/bin/coveralls.js",
-    "fix": "eslint --fix lib/**/*.js"
-  },
-  "repository": {
-    "type": "git",
-    "url": ""
-  },
-  "keywords": [
-    "xhr",
-    "http",
-    "ajax",
-    "promise",
-    "node"
-  ],
-  "author": "Matt Zabriskie",
-  "license": "MIT",
-  "bugs": {
-    "url": ""
-  },
-  "homepage": "",
-  "devDependencies": {
-    "coveralls": "^3.0.0",
-    "es6-promise": "^4.2.4",
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-    "jasmine-core": "^2.4.1",
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-    "karma-chrome-launcher": "^3.1.0",
-    "karma-firefox-launcher": "^2.1.0",
-    "karma-jasmine": "^1.1.1",
-    "karma-jasmine-ajax": "^0.1.13",
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-    "karma-sauce-launcher": "^4.3.6",
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-    "load-grunt-tasks": "^3.5.2",
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-    "mocha": "^8.2.1",
-    "sinon": "^4.5.0",
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-    "webpack": "^4.44.2",
-    "webpack-dev-server": "^3.11.0"
-  },
-  "browser": {
-    "./lib/adapters/http.js": "./lib/adapters/xhr.js"
-  },
-  "jsdelivr": "dist/axios.min.js",
-  "unpkg": "dist/axios.min.js",
-  "typings": "./index.d.ts",
-  "dependencies": {
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-  },
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-      "threshold": "5kB"
-    }
-  ]

+ 0 - 721

@@ -1,721 +0,0 @@
-    "atrules": {
-        "charset": {
-            "prelude": "<string>"
-        },
-        "font-face": {
-            "descriptors": {
-                "unicode-range": {
-                    "comment": "replaces <unicode-range>, an old production name",
-                    "syntax": "<urange>#"
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    },
-    "properties": {
-        "-moz-background-clip": {
-            "comment": "deprecated syntax in old Firefox,",
-            "syntax": "padding | border"
-        },
-        "-moz-border-radius-bottomleft": {
-            "comment": "",
-            "syntax": "<'border-bottom-left-radius'>"
-        },
-        "-moz-border-radius-bottomright": {
-            "comment": "",
-            "syntax": "<'border-bottom-right-radius'>"
-        },
-        "-moz-border-radius-topleft": {
-            "comment": "",
-            "syntax": "<'border-top-left-radius'>"
-        },
-        "-moz-border-radius-topright": {
-            "comment": "",
-            "syntax": "<'border-bottom-right-radius'>"
-        },
-        "-moz-control-character-visibility": {
-            "comment": "firefox specific keywords,",
-            "syntax": "visible | hidden"
-        },
-        "-moz-osx-font-smoothing": {
-            "comment": "misssed old syntax",
-            "syntax": "auto | grayscale"
-        },
-        "-moz-user-select": {
-            "comment": "",
-            "syntax": "none | text | all | -moz-none"
-        },
-        "-ms-flex-align": {
-            "comment": "misssed old syntax implemented in IE,",
-            "syntax": "start | end | center | baseline | stretch"
-        },
-        "-ms-flex-item-align": {
-            "comment": "misssed old syntax implemented in IE,",
-            "syntax": "auto | start | end | center | baseline | stretch"
-        },
-        "-ms-flex-line-pack": {
-            "comment": "misssed old syntax implemented in IE,",
-            "syntax": "start | end | center | justify | distribute | stretch"
-        },
-        "-ms-flex-negative": {
-            "comment": "misssed old syntax implemented in IE; TODO: find references for comfirmation",
-            "syntax": "<'flex-shrink'>"
-        },
-        "-ms-flex-pack": {
-            "comment": "misssed old syntax implemented in IE,",
-            "syntax": "start | end | center | justify | distribute"
-        },
-        "-ms-flex-order": {
-            "comment": "misssed old syntax implemented in IE;",
-            "syntax": "<integer>"
-        },
-        "-ms-flex-positive": {
-            "comment": "misssed old syntax implemented in IE; TODO: find references for comfirmation",
-            "syntax": "<'flex-grow'>"
-        },
-        "-ms-flex-preferred-size": {
-            "comment": "misssed old syntax implemented in IE; TODO: find references for comfirmation",
-            "syntax": "<'flex-basis'>"
-        },
-        "-ms-interpolation-mode": {
-            "comment": "",
-            "syntax": "nearest-neighbor | bicubic"
-        },
-        "-ms-grid-column-align": {
-            "comment": "add this property first since it uses as fallback for flexbox,",
-            "syntax": "start | end | center | stretch"
-        },
-        "-ms-grid-row-align": {
-            "comment": "add this property first since it uses as fallback for flexbox,",
-            "syntax": "start | end | center | stretch"
-        },
-        "-ms-hyphenate-limit-last": {
-            "comment": "misssed old syntax implemented in IE;",
-            "syntax": "none | always | column | page | spread"
-        },
-        "-webkit-appearance": {
-            "comment": "webkit specific keywords",
-            "references": [
-                ""
-            ],
-            "syntax": "none | button | button-bevel | caps-lock-indicator | caret | checkbox | default-button | inner-spin-button | listbox | listitem | media-controls-background | media-controls-fullscreen-background | media-current-time-display | media-enter-fullscreen-button | media-exit-fullscreen-button | media-fullscreen-button | media-mute-button | media-overlay-play-button | media-play-button | media-seek-back-button | media-seek-forward-button | media-slider | media-sliderthumb | media-time-remaining-display | media-toggle-closed-captions-button | media-volume-slider | media-volume-slider-container | media-volume-sliderthumb | menulist | menulist-button | menulist-text | menulist-textfield | meter | progress-bar | progress-bar-value | push-button | radio | scrollbarbutton-down | scrollbarbutton-left | scrollbarbutton-right | scrollbarbutton-up | scrollbargripper-horizontal | scrollbargripper-vertical | scrollbarthumb-horizontal | scrollbarthumb-vertical | scrollbartrack-horizontal | scrollbartrack-vertical | searchfield | searchfield-cancel-button | searchfield-decoration | searchfield-results-button | searchfield-results-decoration | slider-horizontal | slider-vertical | sliderthumb-horizontal | sliderthumb-vertical | square-button | textarea | textfield | -apple-pay-button"
-        },
-        "-webkit-background-clip": {
-            "comment": "",
-            "syntax": "[ <box> | border | padding | content | text ]#"
-        },
-        "-webkit-column-break-after": {
-            "comment": "added,",
-            "syntax": "always | auto | avoid"
-        },
-        "-webkit-column-break-before": {
-            "comment": "added,",
-            "syntax": "always | auto | avoid"
-        },
-        "-webkit-column-break-inside": {
-            "comment": "added,",
-            "syntax": "always | auto | avoid"
-        },
-        "-webkit-font-smoothing": {
-            "comment": "",
-            "syntax": "auto | none | antialiased | subpixel-antialiased"
-        },
-        "-webkit-mask-box-image": {
-            "comment": "missed;",
-            "syntax": "[ <url> | <gradient> | none ] [ <length-percentage>{4} <-webkit-mask-box-repeat>{2} ]?"
-        },
-        "-webkit-print-color-adjust": {
-            "comment": "missed",
-            "references": [
-                ""
-            ],
-            "syntax": "economy | exact"
-        },
-        "-webkit-text-security": {
-            "comment": "missed;",
-            "syntax": "none | circle | disc | square"
-        },
-        "-webkit-user-drag": {
-            "comment": "missed;",
-            "syntax": "none | element | auto"
-        },
-        "-webkit-user-select": {
-            "comment": "auto is supported by old webkit,",
-            "syntax": "auto | none | text | all"
-        },
-        "alignment-baseline": {
-            "comment": "added SVG property",
-            "references": [
-                ""
-            ],
-            "syntax": "auto | baseline | before-edge | text-before-edge | middle | central | after-edge | text-after-edge | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical"
-        },
-        "baseline-shift": {
-            "comment": "added SVG property",
-            "references": [
-                ""
-            ],
-            "syntax": "baseline | sub | super | <svg-length>"
-        },
-        "behavior": {
-            "comment": "added old IE property",
-            "syntax": "<url>+"
-        },
-        "clip-rule": {
-            "comment": "added SVG property",
-            "references": [
-                ""
-            ],
-            "syntax": "nonzero | evenodd"
-        },
-        "cue": {
-            "comment": "",
-            "syntax": "<'cue-before'> <'cue-after'>?"
-        },
-        "cue-after": {
-            "comment": "",
-            "syntax": "<url> <decibel>? | none"
-        },
-        "cue-before": {
-            "comment": "",
-            "syntax": "<url> <decibel>? | none"
-        },
-        "cursor": {
-            "comment": "added legacy keywords: hand, -webkit-grab. -webkit-grabbing, -webkit-zoom-in, -webkit-zoom-out, -moz-grab, -moz-grabbing, -moz-zoom-in, -moz-zoom-out",
-            "references": [
-                ""
-            ],
-            "syntax": "[ [ <url> [ <x> <y> ]? , ]* [ auto | default | none | context-menu | help | pointer | progress | wait | cell | crosshair | text | vertical-text | alias | copy | move | no-drop | not-allowed | e-resize | n-resize | ne-resize | nw-resize | s-resize | se-resize | sw-resize | w-resize | ew-resize | ns-resize | nesw-resize | nwse-resize | col-resize | row-resize | all-scroll | zoom-in | zoom-out | grab | grabbing | hand | -webkit-grab | -webkit-grabbing | -webkit-zoom-in | -webkit-zoom-out | -moz-grab | -moz-grabbing | -moz-zoom-in | -moz-zoom-out ] ]"
-        },
-        "display": {
-            "comment": "extended with -ms-flexbox",
-            "syntax": "| <-non-standard-display>"
-        },
-        "position": {
-            "comment": "extended with -webkit-sticky",
-            "syntax": "| -webkit-sticky"
-        },
-        "dominant-baseline": {
-            "comment": "added SVG property",
-            "references": [
-                ""
-            ],
-            "syntax": "auto | use-script | no-change | reset-size | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | central | middle | text-after-edge | text-before-edge"
-        },
-        "image-rendering": {
-            "comment": "extended with <-non-standard-image-rendering>, added SVG keywords optimizeSpeed and optimizeQuality",
-            "references": [
-                "",
-                ""
-            ],
-            "syntax": "| optimizeSpeed | optimizeQuality | <-non-standard-image-rendering>"
-        },
-        "fill": {
-            "comment": "added SVG property",
-            "references": [
-                ""
-            ],
-            "syntax": "<paint>"
-        },
-        "fill-opacity": {
-            "comment": "added SVG property",
-            "references": [
-                ""
-            ],
-            "syntax": "<number-zero-one>"
-        },
-        "fill-rule": {
-            "comment": "added SVG property",
-            "references": [
-                ""
-            ],
-            "syntax": "nonzero | evenodd"
-        },
-        "filter": {
-            "comment": "extend with IE legacy syntaxes",
-            "syntax": "| <-ms-filter-function-list>"
-        },
-        "glyph-orientation-horizontal": {
-            "comment": "added SVG property",
-            "references": [
-                ""
-            ],
-            "syntax": "<angle>"
-        },
-        "glyph-orientation-vertical": {
-            "comment": "added SVG property",
-            "references": [
-                ""
-            ],
-            "syntax": "<angle>"
-        },
-        "kerning": {
-            "comment": "added SVG property",
-            "references": [
-                ""
-            ],
-            "syntax": "auto | <svg-length>"
-        },
-        "letter-spacing": {
-            "comment": "fix syntax <length> -> <length-percentage>",
-            "references": [
-                ""
-            ],
-            "syntax": "normal | <length-percentage>"
-        },
-        "marker": {
-            "comment": "added SVG property",
-            "references": [
-                ""
-            ],
-            "syntax": "none | <url>"
-        },
-        "marker-end": {
-            "comment": "added SVG property",
-            "references": [
-                ""
-            ],
-            "syntax": "none | <url>"
-        },
-        "marker-mid": {
-            "comment": "added SVG property",
-            "references": [
-                ""
-            ],
-            "syntax": "none | <url>"
-        },
-        "marker-start": {
-            "comment": "added SVG property",
-            "references": [
-                ""
-            ],
-            "syntax": "none | <url>"
-        },
-        "max-width": {
-            "comment": "fix auto -> none (; extend by non-standard width keywords",
-            "syntax": "none | <length-percentage> | min-content | max-content | fit-content(<length-percentage>) | <-non-standard-width>"
-        },
-        "width": {
-            "comment": "per spec fit-content should be a function, however browsers are supporting it as a keyword (",
-            "syntax": "| fit-content | -moz-fit-content | -webkit-fit-content"
-        },
-        "min-width": {
-            "comment": "extend by non-standard width keywords",
-            "syntax": "auto | <length-percentage> | min-content | max-content | fit-content(<length-percentage>) | <-non-standard-width>"
-        },
-        "overflow": {
-            "comment": "extend by vendor keywords",
-            "syntax": "| <-non-standard-overflow>"
-        },
-        "pause": {
-            "comment": "",
-            "syntax": "<'pause-before'> <'pause-after'>?"
-        },
-        "pause-after": {
-            "comment": "",
-            "syntax": "<time> | none | x-weak | weak | medium | strong | x-strong"
-        },
-        "pause-before": {
-            "comment": "",
-            "syntax": "<time> | none | x-weak | weak | medium | strong | x-strong"
-        },
-        "rest": {
-            "comment": "",
-            "syntax": "<'rest-before'> <'rest-after'>?"
-        },
-        "rest-after": {
-            "comment": "",
-            "syntax": "<time> | none | x-weak | weak | medium | strong | x-strong"
-        },
-        "rest-before": {
-            "comment": "",
-            "syntax": "<time> | none | x-weak | weak | medium | strong | x-strong"
-        },
-        "shape-rendering": {
-            "comment": "added SVG property",
-            "references": [
-                ""
-            ],
-            "syntax": "auto | optimizeSpeed | crispEdges | geometricPrecision"
-        },
-        "src": {
-            "comment": "added @font-face's src property",
-            "syntax": "[ <url> [ format( <string># ) ]? | local( <family-name> ) ]#"
-        },
-        "speak": {
-            "comment": "",
-            "syntax": "auto | none | normal"
-        },
-        "speak-as": {
-            "comment": "",
-            "syntax": "normal | spell-out || digits || [ literal-punctuation | no-punctuation ]"
-        },
-        "stroke": {
-            "comment": "added SVG property",
-            "references": [
-                ""
-            ],
-            "syntax": "<paint>"
-        },
-        "stroke-dasharray": {
-            "comment": "added SVG property; a list of comma and/or white space separated <length>s and <percentage>s",
-            "references": [
-                ""
-            ],
-            "syntax": "none | [ <svg-length>+ ]#"
-        },
-        "stroke-dashoffset": {
-            "comment": "added SVG property",
-            "references": [
-                ""
-            ],
-            "syntax": "<svg-length>"
-        },
-        "stroke-linecap": {
-            "comment": "added SVG property",
-            "references": [
-                ""
-            ],
-            "syntax": "butt | round | square"
-        },
-        "stroke-linejoin": {
-            "comment": "added SVG property",
-            "references": [
-                ""
-            ],
-            "syntax": "miter | round | bevel"
-        },
-        "stroke-miterlimit": {
-            "comment": "added SVG property (<miterlimit> = <number-one-or-greater>) ",
-            "references": [
-                ""
-            ],
-            "syntax": "<number-one-or-greater>"
-        },
-        "stroke-opacity": {
-            "comment": "added SVG property",
-            "references": [
-                ""
-            ],
-            "syntax": "<number-zero-one>"
-        },
-        "stroke-width": {
-            "comment": "added SVG property",
-            "references": [
-                ""
-            ],
-            "syntax": "<svg-length>"
-        },
-        "text-anchor": {
-            "comment": "added SVG property",
-            "references": [
-                ""
-            ],
-            "syntax": "start | middle | end"
-        },
-        "unicode-bidi": {
-            "comment": "added prefixed keywords",
-            "syntax": "| -moz-isolate | -moz-isolate-override | -moz-plaintext | -webkit-isolate | -webkit-isolate-override | -webkit-plaintext"
-        },
-        "unicode-range": {
-            "comment": "added missed property",
-            "syntax": "<urange>#"
-        },
-        "voice-balance": {
-            "comment": "",
-            "syntax": "<number> | left | center | right | leftwards | rightwards"
-        },
-        "voice-duration": {
-            "comment": "",
-            "syntax": "auto | <time>"
-        },
-        "voice-family": {
-            "comment": "<name> -> <family-name>,",
-            "syntax": "[ [ <family-name> | <generic-voice> ] , ]* [ <family-name> | <generic-voice> ] | preserve"
-        },
-        "voice-pitch": {
-            "comment": "",
-            "syntax": "<frequency> && absolute | [ [ x-low | low | medium | high | x-high ] || [ <frequency> | <semitones> | <percentage> ] ]"
-        },
-        "voice-range": {
-            "comment": "",
-            "syntax": "<frequency> && absolute | [ [ x-low | low | medium | high | x-high ] || [ <frequency> | <semitones> | <percentage> ] ]"
-        },
-        "voice-rate": {
-            "comment": "",
-            "syntax": "[ normal | x-slow | slow | medium | fast | x-fast ] || <percentage>"
-        },
-        "voice-stress": {
-            "comment": "",
-            "syntax": "normal | strong | moderate | none | reduced"
-        },
-        "voice-volume": {
-            "comment": "",
-            "syntax": "silent | [ [ x-soft | soft | medium | loud | x-loud ] || <decibel> ]"
-        },
-        "writing-mode": {
-            "comment": "extend with SVG keywords",
-            "syntax": "| <svg-writing-mode>"
-        }
-    },
-    "syntaxes": {
-        "-legacy-gradient": {
-            "comment": "added collection of legacy gradient syntaxes",
-            "syntax": "<-webkit-gradient()> | <-legacy-linear-gradient> | <-legacy-repeating-linear-gradient> | <-legacy-radial-gradient> | <-legacy-repeating-radial-gradient>"
-        },
-        "-legacy-linear-gradient": {
-            "comment": "like standard syntax but w/o `to` keyword",
-            "syntax": "-moz-linear-gradient( <-legacy-linear-gradient-arguments> ) | -webkit-linear-gradient( <-legacy-linear-gradient-arguments> ) | -o-linear-gradient( <-legacy-linear-gradient-arguments> )"
-        },
-        "-legacy-repeating-linear-gradient": {
-            "comment": "like standard syntax but w/o `to` keyword",
-            "syntax": "-moz-repeating-linear-gradient( <-legacy-linear-gradient-arguments> ) | -webkit-repeating-linear-gradient( <-legacy-linear-gradient-arguments> ) | -o-repeating-linear-gradient( <-legacy-linear-gradient-arguments> )"
-        },
-        "-legacy-linear-gradient-arguments": {
-            "comment": "like standard syntax but w/o `to` keyword",
-            "syntax": "[ <angle> | <side-or-corner> ]? , <color-stop-list>"
-        },
-        "-legacy-radial-gradient": {
-            "comment": "deprecated syntax that implemented by some browsers",
-            "syntax": "-moz-radial-gradient( <-legacy-radial-gradient-arguments> ) | -webkit-radial-gradient( <-legacy-radial-gradient-arguments> ) | -o-radial-gradient( <-legacy-radial-gradient-arguments> )"
-        },
-        "-legacy-repeating-radial-gradient": {
-            "comment": "deprecated syntax that implemented by some browsers",
-            "syntax": "-moz-repeating-radial-gradient( <-legacy-radial-gradient-arguments> ) | -webkit-repeating-radial-gradient( <-legacy-radial-gradient-arguments> ) | -o-repeating-radial-gradient( <-legacy-radial-gradient-arguments> )"
-        },
-        "-legacy-radial-gradient-arguments": {
-            "comment": "deprecated syntax that implemented by some browsers",
-            "syntax": "[ <position> , ]? [ [ [ <-legacy-radial-gradient-shape> || <-legacy-radial-gradient-size> ] | [ <length> | <percentage> ]{2} ] , ]? <color-stop-list>"
-        },
-        "-legacy-radial-gradient-size": {
-            "comment": "before a standard it contains 2 extra keywords (`contain` and `cover`)",
-            "syntax": "closest-side | closest-corner | farthest-side | farthest-corner | contain | cover"
-        },
-        "-legacy-radial-gradient-shape": {
-            "comment": "define to double sure it doesn't extends in future",
-            "syntax": "circle | ellipse"
-        },
-        "-non-standard-font": {
-            "comment": "non standard fonts",
-            "references": [
-                ""
-            ],
-            "syntax": "-apple-system-body | -apple-system-headline | -apple-system-subheadline | -apple-system-caption1 | -apple-system-caption2 | -apple-system-footnote | -apple-system-short-body | -apple-system-short-headline | -apple-system-short-subheadline | -apple-system-short-caption1 | -apple-system-short-footnote | -apple-system-tall-body"
-        },
-        "-non-standard-color": {
-            "comment": "non standard colors",
-            "references": [
-                "",
-                ""
-            ],
-            "syntax": "-moz-ButtonDefault | -moz-ButtonHoverFace | -moz-ButtonHoverText | -moz-CellHighlight | -moz-CellHighlightText | -moz-Combobox | -moz-ComboboxText | -moz-Dialog | -moz-DialogText | -moz-dragtargetzone | -moz-EvenTreeRow | -moz-Field | -moz-FieldText | -moz-html-CellHighlight | -moz-html-CellHighlightText | -moz-mac-accentdarkestshadow | -moz-mac-accentdarkshadow | -moz-mac-accentface | -moz-mac-accentlightesthighlight | -moz-mac-accentlightshadow | -moz-mac-accentregularhighlight | -moz-mac-accentregularshadow | -moz-mac-chrome-active | -moz-mac-chrome-inactive | -moz-mac-focusring | -moz-mac-menuselect | -moz-mac-menushadow | -moz-mac-menutextselect | -moz-MenuHover | -moz-MenuHoverText | -moz-MenuBarText | -moz-MenuBarHoverText | -moz-nativehyperlinktext | -moz-OddTreeRow | -moz-win-communicationstext | -moz-win-mediatext | -moz-activehyperlinktext | -moz-default-background-color | -moz-default-color | -moz-hyperlinktext | -moz-visitedhyperlinktext | -webkit-activelink | -webkit-focus-ring-color | -webkit-link | -webkit-text"
-        },
-        "-non-standard-image-rendering": {
-            "comment": "non-standard keywords",
-            "syntax": "optimize-contrast | -moz-crisp-edges | -o-crisp-edges | -webkit-optimize-contrast"
-        },
-        "-non-standard-overflow": {
-            "comment": "non-standard keywords",
-            "syntax": "-moz-scrollbars-none | -moz-scrollbars-horizontal | -moz-scrollbars-vertical | -moz-hidden-unscrollable"
-        },
-        "-non-standard-width": {
-            "comment": "non-standard keywords",
-            "syntax": "fill-available | min-intrinsic | intrinsic | -moz-available | -moz-fit-content | -moz-min-content | -moz-max-content | -webkit-min-content | -webkit-max-content"
-        },
-        "-webkit-gradient()": {
-            "comment": "first Apple proposal gradient syntax - TODO: simplify when after match algorithm improvement ( [, point, radius | , point] -> [, radius]? , point )",
-            "syntax": "-webkit-gradient( <-webkit-gradient-type>, <-webkit-gradient-point> [, <-webkit-gradient-point> | , <-webkit-gradient-radius>, <-webkit-gradient-point> ] [, <-webkit-gradient-radius>]? [, <-webkit-gradient-color-stop>]* )"
-        },
-        "-webkit-gradient-color-stop": {
-            "comment": "first Apple proposal gradient syntax",
-            "syntax": "from( <color> ) | color-stop( [ <number-zero-one> | <percentage> ] , <color> ) | to( <color> )"
-        },
-        "-webkit-gradient-point": {
-            "comment": "first Apple proposal gradient syntax",
-            "syntax": "[ left | center | right | <length-percentage> ] [ top | center | bottom | <length-percentage> ]"
-        },
-        "-webkit-gradient-radius": {
-            "comment": "first Apple proposal gradient syntax",
-            "syntax": "<length> | <percentage>"
-        },
-        "-webkit-gradient-type": {
-            "comment": "first Apple proposal gradient syntax",
-            "syntax": "linear | radial"
-        },
-        "-webkit-mask-box-repeat": {
-            "comment": "missed;",
-            "syntax": "repeat | stretch | round"
-        },
-        "-webkit-mask-clip-style": {
-            "comment": "missed; there is no enough information about `-webkit-mask-clip` property, but looks like all those keywords are working",
-            "syntax": "border | border-box | padding | padding-box | content | content-box | text"
-        },
-        "-ms-filter-function-list": {
-            "comment": "",
-            "syntax": "<-ms-filter-function>+"
-        },
-        "-ms-filter-function": {
-            "comment": "",
-            "syntax": "<-ms-filter-function-progid> | <-ms-filter-function-legacy>"
-        },
-        "-ms-filter-function-progid": {
-            "comment": "",
-            "syntax": "'progid:' [ <ident-token> '.' ]* [ <ident-token> | <function-token> <any-value>? ) ]"
-        },
-        "-ms-filter-function-legacy": {
-            "comment": "",
-            "syntax": "<ident-token> | <function-token> <any-value>? )"
-        },
-        "-ms-filter": {
-            "syntax": "<string>"
-        },
-        "age": {
-            "comment": "",
-            "syntax": "child | young | old"
-        },
-        "attr-name": {
-            "syntax": "<wq-name>"
-        },
-        "attr-fallback": {
-            "syntax": "<any-value>"
-        },
-        "border-radius": {
-            "comment": "missed,",
-            "syntax": "<length-percentage>{1,2}"
-        },
-        "bottom": {
-            "comment": "missed; not sure we should add it, but no others except `shape` is using it so it's ok for now;",
-            "syntax": "<length> | auto"
-        },
-        "content-list": {
-            "comment": "missed -> (document-url, <target> and leader() is omitted util stabilization)",
-            "syntax": "[ <string> | contents | <image> | <quote> | <target> | <leader()> | <attr()> | counter( <ident>, <'list-style-type'>? ) ]+"
-        },
-        "element()": {
-            "comment": " &",
-            "syntax": "element( <custom-ident> , [ first | start | last | first-except ]? ) | element( <id-selector> )"
-        },
-        "generic-voice": {
-            "comment": "",
-            "syntax": "[ <age>? <gender> <integer>? ]"
-        },
-        "gender": {
-            "comment": "",
-            "syntax": "male | female | neutral"
-        },
-        "generic-family": {
-            "comment": "added -apple-system",
-            "references": [
-                ""
-            ],
-            "syntax": "| -apple-system"
-        },
-        "gradient": {
-            "comment": "added legacy syntaxes support",
-            "syntax": "| <-legacy-gradient>"
-        },
-        "left": {
-            "comment": "missed; not sure we should add it, but no others except `shape` is using it so it's ok for now;",
-            "syntax": "<length> | auto"
-        },
-        "mask-image": {
-            "comment": "missed;",
-            "syntax": "<mask-reference>#"
-        },
-        "name-repeat": {
-            "comment": "missed, and looks like obsolete, keep it as is since other property syntaxes should be changed too;",
-            "syntax": "repeat( [ <positive-integer> | auto-fill ], <line-names>+)"
-        },
-        "named-color": {
-            "comment": "added non standard color names",
-            "syntax": "| <-non-standard-color>"
-        },
-        "paint": {
-            "comment": "used by SVG",
-            "syntax": "none | <color> | <url> [ none | <color> ]? | context-fill | context-stroke"
-        },
-        "page-size": {
-            "comment": "",
-            "syntax": "A5 | A4 | A3 | B5 | B4 | JIS-B5 | JIS-B4 | letter | legal | ledger"
-        },
-        "ratio": {
-            "comment": "missed,",
-            "syntax": "<integer> / <integer>"
-        },
-        "right": {
-            "comment": "missed; not sure we should add it, but no others except `shape` is using it so it's ok for now;",
-            "syntax": "<length> | auto"
-        },
-        "shape": {
-            "comment": "missed spaces in function body and add backwards compatible syntax",
-            "syntax": "rect( <top>, <right>, <bottom>, <left> ) | rect( <top> <right> <bottom> <left> )"
-        },
-        "svg-length": {
-            "comment": "All coordinates and lengths in SVG can be specified with or without a unit identifier",
-            "references": [
-                ""
-            ],
-            "syntax": "<percentage> | <length> | <number>"
-        },
-        "svg-writing-mode": {
-            "comment": "SVG specific keywords (deprecated for CSS)",
-            "references": [
-                "",
-                ""
-            ],
-            "syntax": "lr-tb | rl-tb | tb-rl | lr | rl | tb"
-        },
-        "top": {
-            "comment": "missed; not sure we should add it, but no others except `shape` is using it so it's ok for now;",
-            "syntax": "<length> | auto"
-        },
-        "track-group": {
-            "comment": "used by old grid-columns and grid-rows syntax v0",
-            "syntax": "'(' [ <string>* <track-minmax> <string>* ]+ ')' [ '[' <positive-integer> ']' ]? | <track-minmax>"
-        },
-        "track-list-v0": {
-            "comment": "used by old grid-columns and grid-rows syntax v0",
-            "syntax": "[ <string>* <track-group> <string>* ]+ | none"
-        },
-        "track-minmax": {
-            "comment": "used by old grid-columns and grid-rows syntax v0",
-            "syntax": "minmax( <track-breadth> , <track-breadth> ) | auto | <track-breadth> | fit-content"
-        },
-        "x": {
-            "comment": "missed; not sure we should add it, but no others except `cursor` is using it so it's ok for now;",
-            "syntax": "<number>"
-        },
-        "y": {
-            "comment": "missed; not sure we should add it, but no others except `cursor` is using so it's ok for now;",
-            "syntax": "<number>"
-        },
-        "declaration": {
-            "comment": "missed, restored by",
-            "syntax": "<ident-token> : <declaration-value>? [ '!' important ]?"
-        },
-        "declaration-list": {
-            "comment": "missed, restored by",
-            "syntax": "[ <declaration>? ';' ]* <declaration>?"
-        },
-        "url": {
-            "comment": "",
-            "syntax": "url( <string> <url-modifier>* ) | <url-token>"
-        },
-        "url-modifier": {
-            "comment": "",
-            "syntax": "<ident> | <function-token> <any-value> )"
-        },
-        "number-zero-one": {
-            "syntax": "<number [0,1]>"
-        },
-        "number-one-or-greater": {
-            "syntax": "<number [1,∞]>"
-        },
-        "positive-integer": {
-            "syntax": "<integer [0,∞]>"
-        },
-        "-non-standard-display": {
-            "syntax": "-ms-inline-flexbox | -ms-grid | -ms-inline-grid | -webkit-flex | -webkit-inline-flex | -webkit-box | -webkit-inline-box | -moz-inline-stack | -moz-box | -moz-inline-box"
-        }
-    }

+ 0 - 60

@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-  "name": "css-tree",
-  "version": "1.1.3",
-  "description": "A tool set for CSS: fast detailed parser (CSS → AST), walker (AST traversal), generator (AST → CSS) and lexer (validation and matching) based on specs and browser implementations",
-  "author": "Roman Dvornov <> (",
-  "license": "MIT",
-  "repository": "csstree/csstree",
-  "keywords": [
-    "css",
-    "ast",
-    "tokenizer",
-    "parser",
-    "walker",
-    "lexer",
-    "generator",
-    "utils",
-    "syntax",
-    "validation"
-  ],
-  "main": "lib/index.js",
-  "unpkg": "dist/csstree.min.js",
-  "jsdelivr": "dist/csstree.min.js",
-  "scripts": {
-    "build": "rollup --config",
-    "lint": "eslint data lib scripts test && node scripts/review-syntax-patch --lint && node scripts/update-docs --lint",
-    "lint-and-test": "npm run lint && npm test",
-    "update:docs": "node scripts/update-docs",
-    "review:syntax-patch": "node scripts/review-syntax-patch",
-    "test": "mocha --reporter progress",
-    "coverage": "nyc npm test",
-    "travis": "nyc npm run lint-and-test && npm run coveralls",
-    "coveralls": "nyc report --reporter=text-lcov | coveralls",
-    "prepublishOnly": "npm run build",
-    "hydrogen": "node --trace-hydrogen --trace-phase=Z --trace-deopt --code-comments --hydrogen-track-positions --redirect-code-traces --redirect-code-traces-to=code.asm --trace_hydrogen_file=code.cfg --print-opt-code bin/parse --stat -o /dev/null"
-  },
-  "dependencies": {
-    "mdn-data": "2.0.14",
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-    "@rollup/plugin-commonjs": "^11.0.2",
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-    "@rollup/plugin-node-resolve": "^7.1.1",
-    "coveralls": "^3.0.9",
-    "eslint": "^6.8.0",
-    "json-to-ast": "^2.1.0",
-    "mocha": "^6.2.3",
-    "nyc": "^14.1.1",
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+ 0 - 1

@@ -1 +0,0 @@

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 1

@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-{"Aacute":"Á","aacute":"á","Acirc":"Â","acirc":"â","acute":"´","AElig":"Æ","aelig":"æ","Agrave":"À","agrave":"à","amp":"&","AMP":"&","Aring":"Å","aring":"å","Atilde":"Ã","atilde":"ã","Auml":"Ä","auml":"ä","brvbar":"¦","Ccedil":"Ç","ccedil":"ç","cedil":"¸","cent":"¢","copy":"©","COPY":"©","curren":"¤","deg":"°","divide":"÷","Eacute":"É","eacute":"é","Ecirc":"Ê","ecirc":"ê","Egrave":"È","egrave":"è","ETH":"Ð","eth":"ð","Euml":"Ë","euml":"ë","frac12":"½","frac14":"¼","frac34":"¾","gt":">","GT":">","Iacute":"Í","iacute":"í","Icirc":"Î","icirc":"î","iexcl":"¡","Igrave":"Ì","igrave":"ì","iquest":"¿","Iuml":"Ï","iuml":"ï","laquo":"«","lt":"<","LT":"<","macr":"¯","micro":"µ","middot":"·","nbsp":" ","not":"¬","Ntilde":"Ñ","ntilde":"ñ","Oacute":"Ó","oacute":"ó","Ocirc":"Ô","ocirc":"ô","Ograve":"Ò","ograve":"ò","ordf":"ª","ordm":"º","Oslash":"Ø","oslash":"ø","Otilde":"Õ","otilde":"õ","Ouml":"Ö","ouml":"ö","para":"¶","plusmn":"±","pound":"£","quot":"\"","QUOT":"\"","raquo":"»","reg":"®","REG":"®","sect":"§","shy":"­","sup1":"¹","sup2":"²","sup3":"³","szlig":"ß","THORN":"Þ","thorn":"þ","times":"×","Uacute":"Ú","uacute":"ú","Ucirc":"Û","ucirc":"û","Ugrave":"Ù","ugrave":"ù","uml":"¨","Uuml":"Ü","uuml":"ü","Yacute":"Ý","yacute":"ý","yen":"¥","yuml":"ÿ"}

+ 0 - 1

@@ -1 +0,0 @@

















+ 0 - 300

@@ -1,300 +0,0 @@
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+ 0 - 1440

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+ 0 - 1599

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+ 0 - 619

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+ 0 - 285

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-  "ios-brush-outline": 61853,
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-  "ios-warning-outline": 62906,
-  "ios-warning-sharp": 62907,
-  "ios-watch": 62908,
-  "ios-watch-outline": 62909,
-  "ios-watch-sharp": 62910,
-  "ios-water": 62911,
-  "ios-water-outline": 62912,
-  "ios-water-sharp": 62913,
-  "ios-wifi": 62914,
-  "ios-wifi-outline": 62915,
-  "ios-wifi-sharp": 62916,
-  "ios-wine": 62917,
-  "ios-wine-outline": 62918,
-  "ios-wine-sharp": 62919,
-  "ios-woman": 62920,
-  "ios-woman-outline": 62921,
-  "ios-woman-sharp": 62922,
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-  "md-add-circle": 61697,
-  "md-add-circle-outline": 61698,
-  "md-add-circle-sharp": 61699,
-  "md-add-outline": 61700,
-  "md-add-sharp": 61701,
-  "md-airplane": 61702,
-  "md-airplane-outline": 61703,
-  "md-airplane-sharp": 61704,
-  "md-alarm": 61705,
-  "md-alarm-outline": 61706,
-  "md-alarm-sharp": 61707,
-  "md-albums": 61708,
-  "md-albums-outline": 61709,
-  "md-albums-sharp": 61710,
-  "md-alert": 61711,
-  "md-alert-circle": 61712,
-  "md-alert-circle-outline": 61713,
-  "md-alert-circle-sharp": 61714,
-  "md-alert-outline": 61715,
-  "md-alert-sharp": 61716,
-  "md-american-football": 61717,
-  "md-american-football-outline": 61718,
-  "md-american-football-sharp": 61719,
-  "md-analytics": 61720,
-  "md-analytics-outline": 61721,
-  "md-analytics-sharp": 61722,
-  "md-aperture": 61723,
-  "md-aperture-outline": 61724,
-  "md-aperture-sharp": 61725,
-  "md-apps": 61726,
-  "md-apps-outline": 61727,
-  "md-apps-sharp": 61728,
-  "md-archive": 61729,
-  "md-archive-outline": 61730,
-  "md-archive-sharp": 61731,
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-  "md-arrow-back-circle": 61733,
-  "md-arrow-back-circle-outline": 61734,
-  "md-arrow-back-circle-sharp": 61735,
-  "md-arrow-back-outline": 61736,
-  "md-arrow-back-sharp": 61737,
-  "md-arrow-down": 61738,
-  "md-arrow-down-circle": 61739,
-  "md-arrow-down-circle-outline": 61740,
-  "md-arrow-down-circle-sharp": 61741,
-  "md-arrow-down-outline": 61742,
-  "md-arrow-down-sharp": 61743,
-  "md-arrow-forward": 61744,
-  "md-arrow-forward-circle": 61745,
-  "md-arrow-forward-circle-outline": 61746,
-  "md-arrow-forward-circle-sharp": 61747,
-  "md-arrow-forward-outline": 61748,
-  "md-arrow-forward-sharp": 61749,
-  "md-arrow-redo": 61750,
-  "md-arrow-redo-circle": 61751,
-  "md-arrow-redo-circle-outline": 61752,
-  "md-arrow-redo-circle-sharp": 61753,
-  "md-arrow-redo-outline": 61754,
-  "md-arrow-redo-sharp": 61755,
-  "md-arrow-undo": 61756,
-  "md-arrow-undo-circle": 61757,
-  "md-arrow-undo-circle-outline": 61758,
-  "md-arrow-undo-circle-sharp": 61759,
-  "md-arrow-undo-outline": 61760,
-  "md-arrow-undo-sharp": 61761,
-  "md-arrow-up": 61762,
-  "md-arrow-up-circle": 61763,
-  "md-arrow-up-circle-outline": 61764,
-  "md-arrow-up-circle-sharp": 61765,
-  "md-arrow-up-outline": 61766,
-  "md-arrow-up-sharp": 61767,
-  "md-at": 61768,
-  "md-at-circle": 61769,
-  "md-at-circle-outline": 61770,
-  "md-at-circle-sharp": 61771,
-  "md-at-outline": 61772,
-  "md-at-sharp": 61773,
-  "md-attach": 61774,
-  "md-attach-outline": 61775,
-  "md-attach-sharp": 61776,
-  "md-backspace": 61777,
-  "md-backspace-outline": 61778,
-  "md-backspace-sharp": 61779,
-  "md-bandage": 61780,
-  "md-bandage-outline": 61781,
-  "md-bandage-sharp": 61782,
-  "md-bar-chart": 61783,
-  "md-bar-chart-outline": 61784,
-  "md-bar-chart-sharp": 61785,
-  "md-barbell": 61786,
-  "md-barbell-outline": 61787,
-  "md-barbell-sharp": 61788,
-  "md-barcode": 61789,
-  "md-barcode-outline": 61790,
-  "md-barcode-sharp": 61791,
-  "md-baseball": 61792,
-  "md-baseball-outline": 61793,
-  "md-baseball-sharp": 61794,
-  "md-basket": 61795,
-  "md-basket-outline": 61796,
-  "md-basket-sharp": 61797,
-  "md-basketball": 61798,
-  "md-basketball-outline": 61799,
-  "md-basketball-sharp": 61800,
-  "md-battery-charging": 61801,
-  "md-battery-charging-outline": 61802,
-  "md-battery-charging-sharp": 61803,
-  "md-battery-dead": 61804,
-  "md-battery-dead-outline": 61805,
-  "md-battery-dead-sharp": 61806,
-  "md-battery-full": 61807,
-  "md-battery-full-outline": 61808,
-  "md-battery-full-sharp": 61809,
-  "md-battery-half": 61810,
-  "md-battery-half-outline": 61811,
-  "md-battery-half-sharp": 61812,
-  "md-beaker": 61813,
-  "md-beaker-outline": 61814,
-  "md-beaker-sharp": 61815,
-  "md-bed": 61816,
-  "md-bed-outline": 61817,
-  "md-bed-sharp": 61818,
-  "md-beer": 61819,
-  "md-beer-outline": 61820,
-  "md-beer-sharp": 61821,
-  "md-bicycle": 61822,
-  "md-bicycle-outline": 61823,
-  "md-bicycle-sharp": 61824,
-  "md-bluetooth": 61825,
-  "md-bluetooth-outline": 61826,
-  "md-bluetooth-sharp": 61827,
-  "md-boat": 61828,
-  "md-boat-outline": 61829,
-  "md-boat-sharp": 61830,
-  "md-body": 61831,
-  "md-body-outline": 61832,
-  "md-body-sharp": 61833,
-  "md-bonfire": 61834,
-  "md-bonfire-outline": 61835,
-  "md-bonfire-sharp": 61836,
-  "md-book": 61837,
-  "md-book-outline": 61838,
-  "md-book-sharp": 61839,
-  "md-bookmark": 61840,
-  "md-bookmark-outline": 61841,
-  "md-bookmark-sharp": 61842,
-  "md-bookmarks": 61843,
-  "md-bookmarks-outline": 61844,
-  "md-bookmarks-sharp": 61845,
-  "md-briefcase": 61846,
-  "md-briefcase-outline": 61847,
-  "md-briefcase-sharp": 61848,
-  "md-browsers": 61849,
-  "md-browsers-outline": 61850,
-  "md-browsers-sharp": 61851,
-  "md-brush": 61852,
-  "md-brush-outline": 61853,
-  "md-brush-sharp": 61854,
-  "md-bug": 61855,
-  "md-bug-outline": 61856,
-  "md-bug-sharp": 61857,
-  "md-build": 61858,
-  "md-build-outline": 61859,
-  "md-build-sharp": 61860,
-  "md-bulb": 61861,
-  "md-bulb-outline": 61862,
-  "md-bulb-sharp": 61863,
-  "md-bus": 61864,
-  "md-bus-outline": 61865,
-  "md-bus-sharp": 61866,
-  "md-business": 61867,
-  "md-business-outline": 61868,
-  "md-business-sharp": 61869,
-  "md-cafe": 61870,
-  "md-cafe-outline": 61871,
-  "md-cafe-sharp": 61872,
-  "md-calculator": 61873,
-  "md-calculator-outline": 61874,
-  "md-calculator-sharp": 61875,
-  "md-calendar": 61876,
-  "md-calendar-outline": 61877,
-  "md-calendar-sharp": 61878,
-  "md-call": 61879,
-  "md-call-outline": 61880,
-  "md-call-sharp": 61881,
-  "md-camera": 61882,
-  "md-camera-outline": 61883,
-  "md-camera-reverse": 61884,
-  "md-camera-reverse-outline": 61885,
-  "md-camera-reverse-sharp": 61886,
-  "md-camera-sharp": 61887,
-  "md-car": 61888,
-  "md-car-outline": 61889,
-  "md-car-sharp": 61890,
-  "md-car-sport": 61891,
-  "md-car-sport-outline": 61892,
-  "md-car-sport-sharp": 61893,
-  "md-card": 61894,
-  "md-card-outline": 61895,
-  "md-card-sharp": 61896,
-  "md-caret-back": 61897,
-  "md-caret-back-circle": 61898,
-  "md-caret-back-circle-outline": 61899,
-  "md-caret-back-circle-sharp": 61900,
-  "md-caret-back-outline": 61901,
-  "md-caret-back-sharp": 61902,
-  "md-caret-down": 61903,
-  "md-caret-down-circle": 61904,
-  "md-caret-down-circle-outline": 61905,
-  "md-caret-down-circle-sharp": 61906,
-  "md-caret-down-outline": 61907,
-  "md-caret-down-sharp": 61908,
-  "md-caret-forward": 61909,
-  "md-caret-forward-circle": 61910,
-  "md-caret-forward-circle-outline": 61911,
-  "md-caret-forward-circle-sharp": 61912,
-  "md-caret-forward-outline": 61913,
-  "md-caret-forward-sharp": 61914,
-  "md-caret-up": 61915,
-  "md-caret-up-circle": 61916,
-  "md-caret-up-circle-outline": 61917,
-  "md-caret-up-circle-sharp": 61918,
-  "md-caret-up-outline": 61919,
-  "md-caret-up-sharp": 61920,
-  "md-cart": 61921,
-  "md-cart-outline": 61922,
-  "md-cart-sharp": 61923,
-  "md-cash": 61924,
-  "md-cash-outline": 61925,
-  "md-cash-sharp": 61926,
-  "md-cellular": 61927,
-  "md-cellular-outline": 61928,
-  "md-cellular-sharp": 61929,
-  "md-chatbox": 61930,
-  "md-chatbox-ellipses": 61931,
-  "md-chatbox-ellipses-outline": 61932,
-  "md-chatbox-ellipses-sharp": 61933,
-  "md-chatbox-outline": 61934,
-  "md-chatbox-sharp": 61935,
-  "md-chatbubble": 61936,
-  "md-chatbubble-ellipses": 61937,
-  "md-chatbubble-ellipses-outline": 61938,
-  "md-chatbubble-ellipses-sharp": 61939,
-  "md-chatbubble-outline": 61940,
-  "md-chatbubble-sharp": 61941,
-  "md-chatbubbles": 61942,
-  "md-chatbubbles-outline": 61943,
-  "md-chatbubbles-sharp": 61944,
-  "md-checkbox": 61945,
-  "md-checkbox-outline": 61946,
-  "md-checkbox-sharp": 61947,
-  "md-checkmark": 61948,
-  "md-checkmark-circle": 61949,
-  "md-checkmark-circle-outline": 61950,
-  "md-checkmark-circle-sharp": 61951,
-  "md-checkmark-done": 61952,
-  "md-checkmark-done-circle": 61953,
-  "md-checkmark-done-circle-outline": 61954,
-  "md-checkmark-done-circle-sharp": 61955,
-  "md-checkmark-done-outline": 61956,
-  "md-checkmark-done-sharp": 61957,
-  "md-checkmark-outline": 61958,
-  "md-checkmark-sharp": 61959,
-  "md-chevron-back": 61960,
-  "md-chevron-back-circle": 61961,
-  "md-chevron-back-circle-outline": 61962,
-  "md-chevron-back-circle-sharp": 61963,
-  "md-chevron-back-outline": 61964,
-  "md-chevron-back-sharp": 61965,
-  "md-chevron-down": 61966,
-  "md-chevron-down-circle": 61967,
-  "md-chevron-down-circle-outline": 61968,
-  "md-chevron-down-circle-sharp": 61969,
-  "md-chevron-down-outline": 61970,
-  "md-chevron-down-sharp": 61971,
-  "md-chevron-forward": 61972,
-  "md-chevron-forward-circle": 61973,
-  "md-chevron-forward-circle-outline": 61974,
-  "md-chevron-forward-circle-sharp": 61975,
-  "md-chevron-forward-outline": 61976,
-  "md-chevron-forward-sharp": 61977,
-  "md-chevron-up": 61978,
-  "md-chevron-up-circle": 61979,
-  "md-chevron-up-circle-outline": 61980,
-  "md-chevron-up-circle-sharp": 61981,
-  "md-chevron-up-outline": 61982,
-  "md-chevron-up-sharp": 61983,
-  "md-clipboard": 61984,
-  "md-clipboard-outline": 61985,
-  "md-clipboard-sharp": 61986,
-  "md-close": 61987,
-  "md-close-circle": 61988,
-  "md-close-circle-outline": 61989,
-  "md-close-circle-sharp": 61990,
-  "md-close-outline": 61991,
-  "md-close-sharp": 61992,
-  "md-cloud": 61993,
-  "md-cloud-circle": 61994,
-  "md-cloud-circle-outline": 61995,
-  "md-cloud-circle-sharp": 61996,
-  "md-cloud-done": 61997,
-  "md-cloud-done-outline": 61998,
-  "md-cloud-done-sharp": 61999,
-  "md-cloud-download": 62000,
-  "md-cloud-download-outline": 62001,
-  "md-cloud-download-sharp": 62002,
-  "md-cloud-offline": 62003,
-  "md-cloud-offline-outline": 62004,
-  "md-cloud-offline-sharp": 62005,
-  "md-cloud-outline": 62006,
-  "md-cloud-sharp": 62007,
-  "md-cloud-upload": 62008,
-  "md-cloud-upload-outline": 62009,
-  "md-cloud-upload-sharp": 62010,
-  "md-cloudy": 62011,
-  "md-cloudy-night": 62012,
-  "md-cloudy-night-outline": 62013,
-  "md-cloudy-night-sharp": 62014,
-  "md-cloudy-outline": 62015,
-  "md-cloudy-sharp": 62016,
-  "md-code": 62017,
-  "md-code-download": 62018,
-  "md-code-download-outline": 62019,
-  "md-code-download-sharp": 62020,
-  "md-code-outline": 62021,
-  "md-code-sharp": 62022,
-  "md-code-slash": 62023,
-  "md-code-slash-outline": 62024,
-  "md-code-slash-sharp": 62025,
-  "md-code-working": 62026,
-  "md-code-working-outline": 62027,
-  "md-code-working-sharp": 62028,
-  "md-cog": 62029,
-  "md-cog-outline": 62030,
-  "md-cog-sharp": 62031,
-  "md-color-fill": 62032,
-  "md-color-fill-outline": 62033,
-  "md-color-fill-sharp": 62034,
-  "md-color-filter": 62035,
-  "md-color-filter-outline": 62036,
-  "md-color-filter-sharp": 62037,
-  "md-color-palette": 62038,
-  "md-color-palette-outline": 62039,
-  "md-color-palette-sharp": 62040,
-  "md-color-wand": 62041,
-  "md-color-wand-outline": 62042,
-  "md-color-wand-sharp": 62043,
-  "md-compass": 62044,
-  "md-compass-outline": 62045,
-  "md-compass-sharp": 62046,
-  "md-construct": 62047,
-  "md-construct-outline": 62048,
-  "md-construct-sharp": 62049,
-  "md-contract": 62050,
-  "md-contract-outline": 62051,
-  "md-contract-sharp": 62052,
-  "md-contrast": 62053,
-  "md-contrast-outline": 62054,
-  "md-contrast-sharp": 62055,
-  "md-copy": 62056,
-  "md-copy-outline": 62057,
-  "md-copy-sharp": 62058,
-  "md-create": 62059,
-  "md-create-outline": 62060,
-  "md-create-sharp": 62061,
-  "md-crop": 62062,
-  "md-crop-outline": 62063,
-  "md-crop-sharp": 62064,
-  "md-cube": 62065,
-  "md-cube-outline": 62066,
-  "md-cube-sharp": 62067,
-  "md-cut": 62068,
-  "md-cut-outline": 62069,
-  "md-cut-sharp": 62070,
-  "md-desktop": 62071,
-  "md-desktop-outline": 62072,
-  "md-desktop-sharp": 62073,
-  "md-disc": 62074,
-  "md-disc-outline": 62075,
-  "md-disc-sharp": 62076,
-  "md-document": 62077,
-  "md-document-attach": 62078,
-  "md-document-attach-outline": 62079,
-  "md-document-attach-sharp": 62080,
-  "md-document-outline": 62081,
-  "md-document-sharp": 62082,
-  "md-document-text": 62083,
-  "md-document-text-outline": 62084,
-  "md-document-text-sharp": 62085,
-  "md-documents": 62086,
-  "md-documents-outline": 62087,
-  "md-documents-sharp": 62088,
-  "md-download": 62089,
-  "md-download-outline": 62090,
-  "md-download-sharp": 62091,
-  "md-duplicate": 62092,
-  "md-duplicate-outline": 62093,
-  "md-duplicate-sharp": 62094,
-  "md-ear": 62095,
-  "md-ear-outline": 62096,
-  "md-ear-sharp": 62097,
-  "md-earth": 62098,
-  "md-earth-outline": 62099,
-  "md-earth-sharp": 62100,
-  "md-easel": 62101,
-  "md-easel-outline": 62102,
-  "md-easel-sharp": 62103,
-  "md-egg": 62104,
-  "md-egg-outline": 62105,
-  "md-egg-sharp": 62106,
-  "md-ellipse": 62107,
-  "md-ellipse-outline": 62108,
-  "md-ellipse-sharp": 62109,
-  "md-ellipsis-horizontal": 62110,
-  "md-ellipsis-horizontal-circle": 62111,
-  "md-ellipsis-horizontal-circle-outline": 62112,
-  "md-ellipsis-horizontal-circle-sharp": 62113,
-  "md-ellipsis-horizontal-outline": 62114,
-  "md-ellipsis-horizontal-sharp": 62115,
-  "md-ellipsis-vertical": 62116,
-  "md-ellipsis-vertical-circle": 62117,
-  "md-ellipsis-vertical-circle-outline": 62118,
-  "md-ellipsis-vertical-circle-sharp": 62119,
-  "md-ellipsis-vertical-outline": 62120,
-  "md-ellipsis-vertical-sharp": 62121,
-  "md-enter": 62122,
-  "md-enter-outline": 62123,
-  "md-enter-sharp": 62124,
-  "md-exit": 62125,
-  "md-exit-outline": 62126,
-  "md-exit-sharp": 62127,
-  "md-expand": 62128,
-  "md-expand-outline": 62129,
-  "md-expand-sharp": 62130,
-  "md-eye": 62131,
-  "md-eye-off": 62132,
-  "md-eye-off-outline": 62133,
-  "md-eye-off-sharp": 62134,
-  "md-eye-outline": 62135,
-  "md-eye-sharp": 62136,
-  "md-eyedrop": 62137,
-  "md-eyedrop-outline": 62138,
-  "md-eyedrop-sharp": 62139,
-  "md-fast-food": 62140,
-  "md-fast-food-outline": 62141,
-  "md-fast-food-sharp": 62142,
-  "md-female": 62143,
-  "md-female-outline": 62144,
-  "md-female-sharp": 62145,
-  "md-file-tray": 62146,
-  "md-file-tray-full": 62147,
-  "md-file-tray-full-outline": 62148,
-  "md-file-tray-full-sharp": 62149,
-  "md-file-tray-outline": 62150,
-  "md-file-tray-sharp": 62151,
-  "md-file-tray-stacked": 62152,
-  "md-file-tray-stacked-outline": 62153,
-  "md-file-tray-stacked-sharp": 62154,
-  "md-film": 62155,
-  "md-film-outline": 62156,
-  "md-film-sharp": 62157,
-  "md-filter": 62158,
-  "md-filter-outline": 62159,
-  "md-filter-sharp": 62160,
-  "md-finger-print": 62161,
-  "md-finger-print-outline": 62162,
-  "md-finger-print-sharp": 62163,
-  "md-fitness": 62164,
-  "md-fitness-outline": 62165,
-  "md-fitness-sharp": 62166,
-  "md-flag": 62167,
-  "md-flag-outline": 62168,
-  "md-flag-sharp": 62169,
-  "md-flame": 62170,
-  "md-flame-outline": 62171,
-  "md-flame-sharp": 62172,
-  "md-flash": 62173,
-  "md-flash-off": 62174,
-  "md-flash-off-outline": 62175,
-  "md-flash-off-sharp": 62176,
-  "md-flash-outline": 62177,
-  "md-flash-sharp": 62178,
-  "md-flashlight": 62179,
-  "md-flashlight-outline": 62180,
-  "md-flashlight-sharp": 62181,
-  "md-flask": 62182,
-  "md-flask-outline": 62183,
-  "md-flask-sharp": 62184,
-  "md-flower": 62185,
-  "md-flower-outline": 62186,
-  "md-flower-sharp": 62187,
-  "md-folder": 62188,
-  "md-folder-open": 62189,
-  "md-folder-open-outline": 62190,
-  "md-folder-open-sharp": 62191,
-  "md-folder-outline": 62192,
-  "md-folder-sharp": 62193,
-  "md-football": 62194,
-  "md-football-outline": 62195,
-  "md-football-sharp": 62196,
-  "md-funnel": 62197,
-  "md-funnel-outline": 62198,
-  "md-funnel-sharp": 62199,
-  "md-game-controller": 62200,
-  "md-game-controller-outline": 62201,
-  "md-game-controller-sharp": 62202,
-  "md-gift": 62203,
-  "md-gift-outline": 62204,
-  "md-gift-sharp": 62205,
-  "md-git-branch": 62206,
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-  "md-git-branch-sharp": 62208,
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-  "md-search-sharp": 62730,
-  "md-send": 62731,
-  "md-send-outline": 62732,
-  "md-send-sharp": 62733,
-  "md-server": 62734,
-  "md-server-outline": 62735,
-  "md-server-sharp": 62736,
-  "md-settings": 62737,
-  "md-settings-outline": 62738,
-  "md-settings-sharp": 62739,
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-  "md-shapes-outline": 62741,
-  "md-shapes-sharp": 62742,
-  "md-share": 62743,
-  "md-share-outline": 62744,
-  "md-share-sharp": 62745,
-  "md-share-social": 62746,
-  "md-share-social-outline": 62747,
-  "md-share-social-sharp": 62748,
-  "md-shield": 62749,
-  "md-shield-checkmark": 62750,
-  "md-shield-checkmark-outline": 62751,
-  "md-shield-checkmark-sharp": 62752,
-  "md-shield-outline": 62753,
-  "md-shield-sharp": 62754,
-  "md-shirt": 62755,
-  "md-shirt-outline": 62756,
-  "md-shirt-sharp": 62757,
-  "md-shuffle": 62758,
-  "md-shuffle-outline": 62759,
-  "md-shuffle-sharp": 62760,
-  "md-skull": 62761,
-  "md-skull-outline": 62762,
-  "md-skull-sharp": 62763,
-  "md-snow": 62764,
-  "md-snow-outline": 62765,
-  "md-snow-sharp": 62766,
-  "md-speedometer": 62767,
-  "md-speedometer-outline": 62768,
-  "md-speedometer-sharp": 62769,
-  "md-square": 62770,
-  "md-square-outline": 62771,
-  "md-square-sharp": 62772,
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-  "md-star-half": 62774,
-  "md-star-half-outline": 62775,
-  "md-star-half-sharp": 62776,
-  "md-star-outline": 62777,
-  "md-star-sharp": 62778,
-  "md-stats-chart": 62779,
-  "md-stats-chart-outline": 62780,
-  "md-stats-chart-sharp": 62781,
-  "md-stop": 62782,
-  "md-stop-circle": 62783,
-  "md-stop-circle-outline": 62784,
-  "md-stop-circle-sharp": 62785,
-  "md-stop-outline": 62786,
-  "md-stop-sharp": 62787,
-  "md-stopwatch": 62788,
-  "md-stopwatch-outline": 62789,
-  "md-stopwatch-sharp": 62790,
-  "md-subway": 62791,
-  "md-subway-outline": 62792,
-  "md-subway-sharp": 62793,
-  "md-sunny": 62794,
-  "md-sunny-outline": 62795,
-  "md-sunny-sharp": 62796,
-  "md-swap-horizontal": 62797,
-  "md-swap-horizontal-outline": 62798,
-  "md-swap-horizontal-sharp": 62799,
-  "md-swap-vertical": 62800,
-  "md-swap-vertical-outline": 62801,
-  "md-swap-vertical-sharp": 62802,
-  "md-sync": 62803,
-  "md-sync-circle": 62804,
-  "md-sync-circle-outline": 62805,
-  "md-sync-circle-sharp": 62806,
-  "md-sync-outline": 62807,
-  "md-sync-sharp": 62808,
-  "md-tablet-landscape": 62809,
-  "md-tablet-landscape-outline": 62810,
-  "md-tablet-landscape-sharp": 62811,
-  "md-tablet-portrait": 62812,
-  "md-tablet-portrait-outline": 62813,
-  "md-tablet-portrait-sharp": 62814,
-  "md-tennisball": 62815,
-  "md-tennisball-outline": 62816,
-  "md-tennisball-sharp": 62817,
-  "md-terminal": 62818,
-  "md-terminal-outline": 62819,
-  "md-terminal-sharp": 62820,
-  "md-text": 62821,
-  "md-text-outline": 62822,
-  "md-text-sharp": 62823,
-  "md-thermometer": 62824,
-  "md-thermometer-outline": 62825,
-  "md-thermometer-sharp": 62826,
-  "md-thumbs-down": 62827,
-  "md-thumbs-down-outline": 62828,
-  "md-thumbs-down-sharp": 62829,
-  "md-thumbs-up": 62830,
-  "md-thumbs-up-outline": 62831,
-  "md-thumbs-up-sharp": 62832,
-  "md-thunderstorm": 62833,
-  "md-thunderstorm-outline": 62834,
-  "md-thunderstorm-sharp": 62835,
-  "md-time": 62836,
-  "md-time-outline": 62837,
-  "md-time-sharp": 62838,
-  "md-timer": 62839,
-  "md-timer-outline": 62840,
-  "md-timer-sharp": 62841,
-  "md-today": 62842,
-  "md-today-outline": 62843,
-  "md-today-sharp": 62844,
-  "md-toggle": 62845,
-  "md-toggle-outline": 62846,
-  "md-toggle-sharp": 62847,
-  "md-trail-sign": 62848,
-  "md-trail-sign-outline": 62849,
-  "md-trail-sign-sharp": 62850,
-  "md-train": 62851,
-  "md-train-outline": 62852,
-  "md-train-sharp": 62853,
-  "md-transgender": 62854,
-  "md-transgender-outline": 62855,
-  "md-transgender-sharp": 62856,
-  "md-trash": 62857,
-  "md-trash-bin": 62858,
-  "md-trash-bin-outline": 62859,
-  "md-trash-bin-sharp": 62860,
-  "md-trash-outline": 62861,
-  "md-trash-sharp": 62862,
-  "md-trending-down": 62863,
-  "md-trending-down-outline": 62864,
-  "md-trending-down-sharp": 62865,
-  "md-trending-up": 62866,
-  "md-trending-up-outline": 62867,
-  "md-trending-up-sharp": 62868,
-  "md-triangle": 62869,
-  "md-triangle-outline": 62870,
-  "md-triangle-sharp": 62871,
-  "md-trophy": 62872,
-  "md-trophy-outline": 62873,
-  "md-trophy-sharp": 62874,
-  "md-tv": 62875,
-  "md-tv-outline": 62876,
-  "md-tv-sharp": 62877,
-  "md-umbrella": 62878,
-  "md-umbrella-outline": 62879,
-  "md-umbrella-sharp": 62880,
-  "md-videocam": 62881,
-  "md-videocam-outline": 62882,
-  "md-videocam-sharp": 62883,
-  "md-volume-high": 62884,
-  "md-volume-high-outline": 62885,
-  "md-volume-high-sharp": 62886,
-  "md-volume-low": 62887,
-  "md-volume-low-outline": 62888,
-  "md-volume-low-sharp": 62889,
-  "md-volume-medium": 62890,
-  "md-volume-medium-outline": 62891,
-  "md-volume-medium-sharp": 62892,
-  "md-volume-mute": 62893,
-  "md-volume-mute-outline": 62894,
-  "md-volume-mute-sharp": 62895,
-  "md-volume-off": 62896,
-  "md-volume-off-outline": 62897,
-  "md-volume-off-sharp": 62898,
-  "md-walk": 62899,
-  "md-walk-outline": 62900,
-  "md-walk-sharp": 62901,
-  "md-wallet": 62902,
-  "md-wallet-outline": 62903,
-  "md-wallet-sharp": 62904,
-  "md-warning": 62905,
-  "md-warning-outline": 62906,
-  "md-warning-sharp": 62907,
-  "md-watch": 62908,
-  "md-watch-outline": 62909,
-  "md-watch-sharp": 62910,
-  "md-water": 62911,
-  "md-water-outline": 62912,
-  "md-water-sharp": 62913,
-  "md-wifi": 62914,
-  "md-wifi-outline": 62915,
-  "md-wifi-sharp": 62916,
-  "md-wine": 62917,
-  "md-wine-outline": 62918,
-  "md-wine-sharp": 62919,
-  "md-woman": 62920,
-  "md-woman-outline": 62921,
-  "md-woman-sharp": 62922

+ 0 - 5348

@@ -1,5348 +0,0 @@
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-  "abjad-arabic": 987944,
-  "abjad-hebrew": 987945,
-  "abugida-devanagari": 987946,
-  "abugida-thai": 987947,
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-  "account-tie-voice-outline": 987913,
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-  "alpha-z-circle-outline": 986168,
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+ 0 - 1564

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+ 0 - 186

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+ 0 - 191

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+ 0 - 12

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+ 0 - 560

@@ -1,560 +0,0 @@
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+ 0 - 9163

@@ -1,9163 +0,0 @@
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+ 0 - 761

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-  },
-  "alpha-value": {
-    "syntax": "<number> | <percentage>"
-  },
-  "angle-percentage": {
-    "syntax": "<angle> | <percentage>"
-  },
-  "angular-color-hint": {
-    "syntax": "<angle-percentage>"
-  },
-  "angular-color-stop": {
-    "syntax": "<color> && <color-stop-angle>?"
-  },
-  "angular-color-stop-list": {
-    "syntax": "[ <angular-color-stop> [, <angular-color-hint>]? ]# , <angular-color-stop>"
-  },
-  "animateable-feature": {
-    "syntax": "scroll-position | contents | <custom-ident>"
-  },
-  "attachment": {
-    "syntax": "scroll | fixed | local"
-  },
-  "attr()": {
-    "syntax": "attr( <attr-name> <type-or-unit>? [, <attr-fallback> ]? )"
-  },
-  "attr-matcher": {
-    "syntax": "[ '~' | '|' | '^' | '$' | '*' ]? '='"
-  },
-  "attr-modifier": {
-    "syntax": "i | s"
-  },
-  "attribute-selector": {
-    "syntax": "'[' <wq-name> ']' | '[' <wq-name> <attr-matcher> [ <string-token> | <ident-token> ] <attr-modifier>? ']'"
-  },
-  "auto-repeat": {
-    "syntax": "repeat( [ auto-fill | auto-fit ] , [ <line-names>? <fixed-size> ]+ <line-names>? )"
-  },
-  "auto-track-list": {
-    "syntax": "[ <line-names>? [ <fixed-size> | <fixed-repeat> ] ]* <line-names>? <auto-repeat>\n[ <line-names>? [ <fixed-size> | <fixed-repeat> ] ]* <line-names>?"
-  },
-  "baseline-position": {
-    "syntax": "[ first | last ]? baseline"
-  },
-  "basic-shape": {
-    "syntax": "<inset()> | <circle()> | <ellipse()> | <polygon()> | <path()>"
-  },
-  "bg-image": {
-    "syntax": "none | <image>"
-  },
-  "bg-layer": {
-    "syntax": "<bg-image> || <bg-position> [ / <bg-size> ]? || <repeat-style> || <attachment> || <box> || <box>"
-  },
-  "bg-position": {
-    "syntax": "[ [ left | center | right | top | bottom | <length-percentage> ] | [ left | center | right | <length-percentage> ] [ top | center | bottom | <length-percentage> ] | [ center | [ left | right ] <length-percentage>? ] && [ center | [ top | bottom ] <length-percentage>? ] ]"
-  },
-  "bg-size": {
-    "syntax": "[ <length-percentage> | auto ]{1,2} | cover | contain"
-  },
-  "blur()": {
-    "syntax": "blur( <length> )"
-  },
-  "blend-mode": {
-    "syntax": "normal | multiply | screen | overlay | darken | lighten | color-dodge | color-burn | hard-light | soft-light | difference | exclusion | hue | saturation | color | luminosity"
-  },
-  "box": {
-    "syntax": "border-box | padding-box | content-box"
-  },
-  "brightness()": {
-    "syntax": "brightness( <number-percentage> )"
-  },
-  "calc()": {
-    "syntax": "calc( <calc-sum> )"
-  },
-  "calc-sum": {
-    "syntax": "<calc-product> [ [ '+' | '-' ] <calc-product> ]*"
-  },
-  "calc-product": {
-    "syntax": "<calc-value> [ '*' <calc-value> | '/' <number> ]*"
-  },
-  "calc-value": {
-    "syntax": "<number> | <dimension> | <percentage> | ( <calc-sum> )"
-  },
-  "cf-final-image": {
-    "syntax": "<image> | <color>"
-  },
-  "cf-mixing-image": {
-    "syntax": "<percentage>? && <image>"
-  },
-  "circle()": {
-    "syntax": "circle( [ <shape-radius> ]? [ at <position> ]? )"
-  },
-  "clamp()": {
-    "syntax": "clamp( <calc-sum>#{3} )"
-  },
-  "class-selector": {
-    "syntax": "'.' <ident-token>"
-  },
-  "clip-source": {
-    "syntax": "<url>"
-  },
-  "color": {
-    "syntax": "<rgb()> | <rgba()> | <hsl()> | <hsla()> | <hex-color> | <named-color> | currentcolor | <deprecated-system-color>"
-  },
-  "color-stop": {
-    "syntax": "<color-stop-length> | <color-stop-angle>"
-  },
-  "color-stop-angle": {
-    "syntax": "<angle-percentage>{1,2}"
-  },
-  "color-stop-length": {
-    "syntax": "<length-percentage>{1,2}"
-  },
-  "color-stop-list": {
-    "syntax": "[ <linear-color-stop> [, <linear-color-hint>]? ]# , <linear-color-stop>"
-  },
-  "combinator": {
-    "syntax": "'>' | '+' | '~' | [ '||' ]"
-  },
-  "common-lig-values": {
-    "syntax": "[ common-ligatures | no-common-ligatures ]"
-  },
-  "compat-auto": {
-    "syntax": "searchfield | textarea | push-button | slider-horizontal | checkbox | radio | square-button | menulist | listbox | meter | progress-bar | button"
-  },
-  "composite-style": {
-    "syntax": "clear | copy | source-over | source-in | source-out | source-atop | destination-over | destination-in | destination-out | destination-atop | xor"
-  },
-  "compositing-operator": {
-    "syntax": "add | subtract | intersect | exclude"
-  },
-  "compound-selector": {
-    "syntax": "[ <type-selector>? <subclass-selector>* [ <pseudo-element-selector> <pseudo-class-selector>* ]* ]!"
-  },
-  "compound-selector-list": {
-    "syntax": "<compound-selector>#"
-  },
-  "complex-selector": {
-    "syntax": "<compound-selector> [ <combinator>? <compound-selector> ]*"
-  },
-  "complex-selector-list": {
-    "syntax": "<complex-selector>#"
-  },
-  "conic-gradient()": {
-    "syntax": "conic-gradient( [ from <angle> ]? [ at <position> ]?, <angular-color-stop-list> )"
-  },
-  "contextual-alt-values": {
-    "syntax": "[ contextual | no-contextual ]"
-  },
-  "content-distribution": {
-    "syntax": "space-between | space-around | space-evenly | stretch"
-  },
-  "content-list": {
-    "syntax": "[ <string> | contents | <image> | <quote> | <target> | <leader()> ]+"
-  },
-  "content-position": {
-    "syntax": "center | start | end | flex-start | flex-end"
-  },
-  "content-replacement": {
-    "syntax": "<image>"
-  },
-  "contrast()": {
-    "syntax": "contrast( [ <number-percentage> ] )"
-  },
-  "counter()": {
-    "syntax": "counter( <custom-ident>, <counter-style>? )"
-  },
-  "counter-style": {
-    "syntax": "<counter-style-name> | symbols()"
-  },
-  "counter-style-name": {
-    "syntax": "<custom-ident>"
-  },
-  "counters()": {
-    "syntax": "counters( <custom-ident>, <string>, <counter-style>? )"
-  },
-  "cross-fade()": {
-    "syntax": "cross-fade( <cf-mixing-image> , <cf-final-image>? )"
-  },
-  "cubic-bezier-timing-function": {
-    "syntax": "ease | ease-in | ease-out | ease-in-out | cubic-bezier(<number [0,1]>, <number>, <number [0,1]>, <number>)"
-  },
-  "deprecated-system-color": {
-    "syntax": "ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText"
-  },
-  "discretionary-lig-values": {
-    "syntax": "[ discretionary-ligatures | no-discretionary-ligatures ]"
-  },
-  "display-box": {
-    "syntax": "contents | none"
-  },
-  "display-inside": {
-    "syntax": "flow | flow-root | table | flex | grid | ruby"
-  },
-  "display-internal": {
-    "syntax": "table-row-group | table-header-group | table-footer-group | table-row | table-cell | table-column-group | table-column | table-caption | ruby-base | ruby-text | ruby-base-container | ruby-text-container"
-  },
-  "display-legacy": {
-    "syntax": "inline-block | inline-list-item | inline-table | inline-flex | inline-grid"
-  },
-  "display-listitem": {
-    "syntax": "<display-outside>? && [ flow | flow-root ]? && list-item"
-  },
-  "display-outside": {
-    "syntax": "block | inline | run-in"
-  },
-  "drop-shadow()": {
-    "syntax": "drop-shadow( <length>{2,3} <color>? )"
-  },
-  "east-asian-variant-values": {
-    "syntax": "[ jis78 | jis83 | jis90 | jis04 | simplified | traditional ]"
-  },
-  "east-asian-width-values": {
-    "syntax": "[ full-width | proportional-width ]"
-  },
-  "element()": {
-    "syntax": "element( <id-selector> )"
-  },
-  "ellipse()": {
-    "syntax": "ellipse( [ <shape-radius>{2} ]? [ at <position> ]? )"
-  },
-  "ending-shape": {
-    "syntax": "circle | ellipse"
-  },
-  "env()": {
-    "syntax": "env( <custom-ident> , <declaration-value>? )"
-  },
-  "explicit-track-list": {
-    "syntax": "[ <line-names>? <track-size> ]+ <line-names>?"
-  },
-  "family-name": {
-    "syntax": "<string> | <custom-ident>+"
-  },
-  "feature-tag-value": {
-    "syntax": "<string> [ <integer> | on | off ]?"
-  },
-  "feature-type": {
-    "syntax": "@stylistic | @historical-forms | @styleset | @character-variant | @swash | @ornaments | @annotation"
-  },
-  "feature-value-block": {
-    "syntax": "<feature-type> '{' <feature-value-declaration-list> '}'"
-  },
-  "feature-value-block-list": {
-    "syntax": "<feature-value-block>+"
-  },
-  "feature-value-declaration": {
-    "syntax": "<custom-ident>: <integer>+;"
-  },
-  "feature-value-declaration-list": {
-    "syntax": "<feature-value-declaration>"
-  },
-  "feature-value-name": {
-    "syntax": "<custom-ident>"
-  },
-  "fill-rule": {
-    "syntax": "nonzero | evenodd"
-  },
-  "filter-function": {
-    "syntax": "<blur()> | <brightness()> | <contrast()> | <drop-shadow()> | <grayscale()> | <hue-rotate()> | <invert()> | <opacity()> | <saturate()> | <sepia()>"
-  },
-  "filter-function-list": {
-    "syntax": "[ <filter-function> | <url> ]+"
-  },
-  "final-bg-layer": {
-    "syntax": "<'background-color'> || <bg-image> || <bg-position> [ / <bg-size> ]? || <repeat-style> || <attachment> || <box> || <box>"
-  },
-  "fit-content()": {
-    "syntax": "fit-content( [ <length> | <percentage> ] )"
-  },
-  "fixed-breadth": {
-    "syntax": "<length-percentage>"
-  },
-  "fixed-repeat": {
-    "syntax": "repeat( [ <positive-integer> ] , [ <line-names>? <fixed-size> ]+ <line-names>? )"
-  },
-  "fixed-size": {
-    "syntax": "<fixed-breadth> | minmax( <fixed-breadth> , <track-breadth> ) | minmax( <inflexible-breadth> , <fixed-breadth> )"
-  },
-  "font-stretch-absolute": {
-    "syntax": "normal | ultra-condensed | extra-condensed | condensed | semi-condensed | semi-expanded | expanded | extra-expanded | ultra-expanded | <percentage>"
-  },
-  "font-variant-css21": {
-    "syntax": "[ normal | small-caps ]"
-  },
-  "font-weight-absolute": {
-    "syntax": "normal | bold | <number [1,1000]>"
-  },
-  "frequency-percentage": {
-    "syntax": "<frequency> | <percentage>"
-  },
-  "general-enclosed": {
-    "syntax": "[ <function-token> <any-value> ) ] | ( <ident> <any-value> )"
-  },
-  "generic-family": {
-    "syntax": "serif | sans-serif | cursive | fantasy | monospace"
-  },
-  "generic-name": {
-    "syntax": "serif | sans-serif | cursive | fantasy | monospace"
-  },
-  "geometry-box": {
-    "syntax": "<shape-box> | fill-box | stroke-box | view-box"
-  },
-  "gradient": {
-    "syntax": "<linear-gradient()> | <repeating-linear-gradient()> | <radial-gradient()> | <repeating-radial-gradient()> | <conic-gradient()>"
-  },
-  "grayscale()": {
-    "syntax": "grayscale( <number-percentage> )"
-  },
-  "grid-line": {
-    "syntax": "auto | <custom-ident> | [ <integer> && <custom-ident>? ] | [ span && [ <integer> || <custom-ident> ] ]"
-  },
-  "historical-lig-values": {
-    "syntax": "[ historical-ligatures | no-historical-ligatures ]"
-  },
-  "hsl()": {
-    "syntax": "hsl( <hue> <percentage> <percentage> [ / <alpha-value> ]? ) | hsl( <hue>, <percentage>, <percentage>, <alpha-value>? )"
-  },
-  "hsla()": {
-    "syntax": "hsla( <hue> <percentage> <percentage> [ / <alpha-value> ]? ) | hsla( <hue>, <percentage>, <percentage>, <alpha-value>? )"
-  },
-  "hue": {
-    "syntax": "<number> | <angle>"
-  },
-  "hue-rotate()": {
-    "syntax": "hue-rotate( <angle> )"
-  },
-  "id-selector": {
-    "syntax": "<hash-token>"
-  },
-  "image": {
-    "syntax": "<url> | <image()> | <image-set()> | <element()> | <paint()> | <cross-fade()> | <gradient>"
-  },
-  "image()": {
-    "syntax": "image( <image-tags>? [ <image-src>? , <color>? ]! )"
-  },
-  "image-set()": {
-    "syntax": "image-set( <image-set-option># )"
-  },
-  "image-set-option": {
-    "syntax": "[ <image> | <string> ] <resolution>"
-  },
-  "image-src": {
-    "syntax": "<url> | <string>"
-  },
-  "image-tags": {
-    "syntax": "ltr | rtl"
-  },
-  "inflexible-breadth": {
-    "syntax": "<length> | <percentage> | min-content | max-content | auto"
-  },
-  "inset()": {
-    "syntax": "inset( <length-percentage>{1,4} [ round <'border-radius'> ]? )"
-  },
-  "invert()": {
-    "syntax": "invert( <number-percentage> )"
-  },
-  "keyframes-name": {
-    "syntax": "<custom-ident> | <string>"
-  },
-  "keyframe-block": {
-    "syntax": "<keyframe-selector># {\n  <declaration-list>\n}"
-  },
-  "keyframe-block-list": {
-    "syntax": "<keyframe-block>+"
-  },
-  "keyframe-selector": {
-    "syntax": "from | to | <percentage>"
-  },
-  "leader()": {
-    "syntax": "leader( <leader-type> )"
-  },
-  "leader-type": {
-    "syntax": "dotted | solid | space | <string>"
-  },
-  "length-percentage": {
-    "syntax": "<length> | <percentage>"
-  },
-  "line-names": {
-    "syntax": "'[' <custom-ident>* ']'"
-  },
-  "line-name-list": {
-    "syntax": "[ <line-names> | <name-repeat> ]+"
-  },
-  "line-style": {
-    "syntax": "none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset"
-  },
-  "line-width": {
-    "syntax": "<length> | thin | medium | thick"
-  },
-  "linear-color-hint": {
-    "syntax": "<length-percentage>"
-  },
-  "linear-color-stop": {
-    "syntax": "<color> <color-stop-length>?"
-  },
-  "linear-gradient()": {
-    "syntax": "linear-gradient( [ <angle> | to <side-or-corner> ]? , <color-stop-list> )"
-  },
-  "mask-layer": {
-    "syntax": "<mask-reference> || <position> [ / <bg-size> ]? || <repeat-style> || <geometry-box> || [ <geometry-box> | no-clip ] || <compositing-operator> || <masking-mode>"
-  },
-  "mask-position": {
-    "syntax": "[ <length-percentage> | left | center | right ] [ <length-percentage> | top | center | bottom ]?"
-  },
-  "mask-reference": {
-    "syntax": "none | <image> | <mask-source>"
-  },
-  "mask-source": {
-    "syntax": "<url>"
-  },
-  "masking-mode": {
-    "syntax": "alpha | luminance | match-source"
-  },
-  "matrix()": {
-    "syntax": "matrix( <number>#{6} )"
-  },
-  "matrix3d()": {
-    "syntax": "matrix3d( <number>#{16} )"
-  },
-  "max()": {
-    "syntax": "max( <calc-sum># )"
-  },
-  "media-and": {
-    "syntax": "<media-in-parens> [ and <media-in-parens> ]+"
-  },
-  "media-condition": {
-    "syntax": "<media-not> | <media-and> | <media-or> | <media-in-parens>"
-  },
-  "media-condition-without-or": {
-    "syntax": "<media-not> | <media-and> | <media-in-parens>"
-  },
-  "media-feature": {
-    "syntax": "( [ <mf-plain> | <mf-boolean> | <mf-range> ] )"
-  },
-  "media-in-parens": {
-    "syntax": "( <media-condition> ) | <media-feature> | <general-enclosed>"
-  },
-  "media-not": {
-    "syntax": "not <media-in-parens>"
-  },
-  "media-or": {
-    "syntax": "<media-in-parens> [ or <media-in-parens> ]+"
-  },
-  "media-query": {
-    "syntax": "<media-condition> | [ not | only ]? <media-type> [ and <media-condition-without-or> ]?"
-  },
-  "media-query-list": {
-    "syntax": "<media-query>#"
-  },
-  "media-type": {
-    "syntax": "<ident>"
-  },
-  "mf-boolean": {
-    "syntax": "<mf-name>"
-  },
-  "mf-name": {
-    "syntax": "<ident>"
-  },
-  "mf-plain": {
-    "syntax": "<mf-name> : <mf-value>"
-  },
-  "mf-range": {
-    "syntax": "<mf-name> [ '<' | '>' ]? '='? <mf-value>\n| <mf-value> [ '<' | '>' ]? '='? <mf-name>\n| <mf-value> '<' '='? <mf-name> '<' '='? <mf-value>\n| <mf-value> '>' '='? <mf-name> '>' '='? <mf-value>"
-  },
-  "mf-value": {
-    "syntax": "<number> | <dimension> | <ident> | <ratio>"
-  },
-  "min()": {
-    "syntax": "min( <calc-sum># )"
-  },
-  "minmax()": {
-    "syntax": "minmax( [ <length> | <percentage> | min-content | max-content | auto ] , [ <length> | <percentage> | <flex> | min-content | max-content | auto ] )"
-  },
-  "named-color": {
-    "syntax": "transparent | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen"
-  },
-  "namespace-prefix": {
-    "syntax": "<ident>"
-  },
-  "ns-prefix": {
-    "syntax": "[ <ident-token> | '*' ]? '|'"
-  },
-  "number-percentage": {
-    "syntax": "<number> | <percentage>"
-  },
-  "numeric-figure-values": {
-    "syntax": "[ lining-nums | oldstyle-nums ]"
-  },
-  "numeric-fraction-values": {
-    "syntax": "[ diagonal-fractions | stacked-fractions ]"
-  },
-  "numeric-spacing-values": {
-    "syntax": "[ proportional-nums | tabular-nums ]"
-  },
-  "nth": {
-    "syntax": "<an-plus-b> | even | odd"
-  },
-  "opacity()": {
-    "syntax": "opacity( [ <number-percentage> ] )"
-  },
-  "overflow-position": {
-    "syntax": "unsafe | safe"
-  },
-  "outline-radius": {
-    "syntax": "<length> | <percentage>"
-  },
-  "page-body": {
-    "syntax": "<declaration>? [ ; <page-body> ]? | <page-margin-box> <page-body>"
-  },
-  "page-margin-box": {
-    "syntax": "<page-margin-box-type> '{' <declaration-list> '}'"
-  },
-  "page-margin-box-type": {
-    "syntax": "@top-left-corner | @top-left | @top-center | @top-right | @top-right-corner | @bottom-left-corner | @bottom-left | @bottom-center | @bottom-right | @bottom-right-corner | @left-top | @left-middle | @left-bottom | @right-top | @right-middle | @right-bottom"
-  },
-  "page-selector-list": {
-    "syntax": "[ <page-selector># ]?"
-  },
-  "page-selector": {
-    "syntax": "<pseudo-page>+ | <ident> <pseudo-page>*"
-  },
-  "path()": {
-    "syntax": "path( [ <fill-rule>, ]? <string> )"
-  },
-  "paint()": {
-    "syntax": "paint( <ident>, <declaration-value>? )"
-  },
-  "perspective()": {
-    "syntax": "perspective( <length> )"
-  },
-  "polygon()": {
-    "syntax": "polygon( <fill-rule>? , [ <length-percentage> <length-percentage> ]# )"
-  },
-  "position": {
-    "syntax": "[ [ left | center | right ] || [ top | center | bottom ] | [ left | center | right | <length-percentage> ] [ top | center | bottom | <length-percentage> ]? | [ [ left | right ] <length-percentage> ] && [ [ top | bottom ] <length-percentage> ] ]"
-  },
-  "pseudo-class-selector": {
-    "syntax": "':' <ident-token> | ':' <function-token> <any-value> ')'"
-  },
-  "pseudo-element-selector": {
-    "syntax": "':' <pseudo-class-selector>"
-  },
-  "pseudo-page": {
-    "syntax": ": [ left | right | first | blank ]"
-  },
-  "quote": {
-    "syntax": "open-quote | close-quote | no-open-quote | no-close-quote"
-  },
-  "radial-gradient()": {
-    "syntax": "radial-gradient( [ <ending-shape> || <size> ]? [ at <position> ]? , <color-stop-list> )"
-  },
-  "relative-selector": {
-    "syntax": "<combinator>? <complex-selector>"
-  },
-  "relative-selector-list": {
-    "syntax": "<relative-selector>#"
-  },
-  "relative-size": {
-    "syntax": "larger | smaller"
-  },
-  "repeat-style": {
-    "syntax": "repeat-x | repeat-y | [ repeat | space | round | no-repeat ]{1,2}"
-  },
-  "repeating-linear-gradient()": {
-    "syntax": "repeating-linear-gradient( [ <angle> | to <side-or-corner> ]? , <color-stop-list> )"
-  },
-  "repeating-radial-gradient()": {
-    "syntax": "repeating-radial-gradient( [ <ending-shape> || <size> ]? [ at <position> ]? , <color-stop-list> )"
-  },
-  "rgb()": {
-    "syntax": "rgb( <percentage>{3} [ / <alpha-value> ]? ) | rgb( <number>{3} [ / <alpha-value> ]? ) | rgb( <percentage>#{3} , <alpha-value>? ) | rgb( <number>#{3} , <alpha-value>? )"
-  },
-  "rgba()": {
-    "syntax": "rgba( <percentage>{3} [ / <alpha-value> ]? ) | rgba( <number>{3} [ / <alpha-value> ]? ) | rgba( <percentage>#{3} , <alpha-value>? ) | rgba( <number>#{3} , <alpha-value>? )"
-  },
-  "rotate()": {
-    "syntax": "rotate( [ <angle> | <zero> ] )"
-  },
-  "rotate3d()": {
-    "syntax": "rotate3d( <number> , <number> , <number> , [ <angle> | <zero> ] )"
-  },
-  "rotateX()": {
-    "syntax": "rotateX( [ <angle> | <zero> ] )"
-  },
-  "rotateY()": {
-    "syntax": "rotateY( [ <angle> | <zero> ] )"
-  },
-  "rotateZ()": {
-    "syntax": "rotateZ( [ <angle> | <zero> ] )"
-  },
-  "saturate()": {
-    "syntax": "saturate( <number-percentage> )"
-  },
-  "scale()": {
-    "syntax": "scale( <number> , <number>? )"
-  },
-  "scale3d()": {
-    "syntax": "scale3d( <number> , <number> , <number> )"
-  },
-  "scaleX()": {
-    "syntax": "scaleX( <number> )"
-  },
-  "scaleY()": {
-    "syntax": "scaleY( <number> )"
-  },
-  "scaleZ()": {
-    "syntax": "scaleZ( <number> )"
-  },
-  "self-position": {
-    "syntax": "center | start | end | self-start | self-end | flex-start | flex-end"
-  },
-  "shape-radius": {
-    "syntax": "<length-percentage> | closest-side | farthest-side"
-  },
-  "skew()": {
-    "syntax": "skew( [ <angle> | <zero> ] , [ <angle> | <zero> ]? )"
-  },
-  "skewX()": {
-    "syntax": "skewX( [ <angle> | <zero> ] )"
-  },
-  "skewY()": {
-    "syntax": "skewY( [ <angle> | <zero> ] )"
-  },
-  "sepia()": {
-    "syntax": "sepia( <number-percentage> )"
-  },
-  "shadow": {
-    "syntax": "inset? && <length>{2,4} && <color>?"
-  },
-  "shadow-t": {
-    "syntax": "[ <length>{2,3} && <color>? ]"
-  },
-  "shape": {
-    "syntax": "rect(<top>, <right>, <bottom>, <left>)"
-  },
-  "shape-box": {
-    "syntax": "<box> | margin-box"
-  },
-  "side-or-corner": {
-    "syntax": "[ left | right ] || [ top | bottom ]"
-  },
-  "single-animation": {
-    "syntax": "<time> || <timing-function> || <time> || <single-animation-iteration-count> || <single-animation-direction> || <single-animation-fill-mode> || <single-animation-play-state> || [ none | <keyframes-name> ]"
-  },
-  "single-animation-direction": {
-    "syntax": "normal | reverse | alternate | alternate-reverse"
-  },
-  "single-animation-fill-mode": {
-    "syntax": "none | forwards | backwards | both"
-  },
-  "single-animation-iteration-count": {
-    "syntax": "infinite | <number>"
-  },
-  "single-animation-play-state": {
-    "syntax": "running | paused"
-  },
-  "single-transition": {
-    "syntax": "[ none | <single-transition-property> ] || <time> || <timing-function> || <time>"
-  },
-  "single-transition-property": {
-    "syntax": "all | <custom-ident>"
-  },
-  "size": {
-    "syntax": "closest-side | farthest-side | closest-corner | farthest-corner | <length> | <length-percentage>{2}"
-  },
-  "step-position": {
-    "syntax": "jump-start | jump-end | jump-none | jump-both | start | end"
-  },
-  "step-timing-function": {
-    "syntax": "step-start | step-end | steps(<integer>[, <step-position>]?)"
-  },
-  "subclass-selector": {
-    "syntax": "<id-selector> | <class-selector> | <attribute-selector> | <pseudo-class-selector>"
-  },
-  "supports-condition": {
-    "syntax": "not <supports-in-parens> | <supports-in-parens> [ and <supports-in-parens> ]* | <supports-in-parens> [ or <supports-in-parens> ]*"
-  },
-  "supports-in-parens": {
-    "syntax": "( <supports-condition> ) | <supports-feature> | <general-enclosed>"
-  },
-  "supports-feature": {
-    "syntax": "<supports-decl> | <supports-selector-fn>"
-  },
-  "supports-decl": {
-    "syntax": "( <declaration> )"
-  },
-  "supports-selector-fn": {
-    "syntax": "selector( <complex-selector> )"
-  },
-  "symbol": {
-    "syntax": "<string> | <image> | <custom-ident>"
-  },
-  "target": {
-    "syntax": "<target-counter()> | <target-counters()> | <target-text()>"
-  },
-  "target-counter()": {
-    "syntax": "target-counter( [ <string> | <url> ] , <custom-ident> , <counter-style>? )"
-  },
-  "target-counters()": {
-    "syntax": "target-counters( [ <string> | <url> ] , <custom-ident> , <string> , <counter-style>? )"
-  },
-  "target-text()": {
-    "syntax": "target-text( [ <string> | <url> ] , [ content | before | after | first-letter ]? )"
-  },
-  "time-percentage": {
-    "syntax": "<time> | <percentage>"
-  },
-  "timing-function": {
-    "syntax": "linear | <cubic-bezier-timing-function> | <step-timing-function>"
-  },
-  "track-breadth": {
-    "syntax": "<length-percentage> | <flex> | min-content | max-content | auto"
-  },
-  "track-list": {
-    "syntax": "[ <line-names>? [ <track-size> | <track-repeat> ] ]+ <line-names>?"
-  },
-  "track-repeat": {
-    "syntax": "repeat( [ <positive-integer> ] , [ <line-names>? <track-size> ]+ <line-names>? )"
-  },
-  "track-size": {
-    "syntax": "<track-breadth> | minmax( <inflexible-breadth> , <track-breadth> ) | fit-content( [ <length> | <percentage> ] )"
-  },
-  "transform-function": {
-    "syntax": "<matrix()> | <translate()> | <translateX()> | <translateY()> | <scale()> | <scaleX()> | <scaleY()> | <rotate()> | <skew()> | <skewX()> | <skewY()> | <matrix3d()> | <translate3d()> | <translateZ()> | <scale3d()> | <scaleZ()> | <rotate3d()> | <rotateX()> | <rotateY()> | <rotateZ()> | <perspective()>"
-  },
-  "transform-list": {
-    "syntax": "<transform-function>+"
-  },
-  "translate()": {
-    "syntax": "translate( <length-percentage> , <length-percentage>? )"
-  },
-  "translate3d()": {
-    "syntax": "translate3d( <length-percentage> , <length-percentage> , <length> )"
-  },
-  "translateX()": {
-    "syntax": "translateX( <length-percentage> )"
-  },
-  "translateY()": {
-    "syntax": "translateY( <length-percentage> )"
-  },
-  "translateZ()": {
-    "syntax": "translateZ( <length> )"
-  },
-  "type-or-unit": {
-    "syntax": "string | color | url | integer | number | length | angle | time | frequency | cap | ch | em | ex | ic | lh | rlh | rem | vb | vi | vw | vh | vmin | vmax | mm | Q | cm | in | pt | pc | px | deg | grad | rad | turn | ms | s | Hz | kHz | %"
-  },
-  "type-selector": {
-    "syntax": "<wq-name> | <ns-prefix>? '*'"
-  },
-  "var()": {
-    "syntax": "var( <custom-property-name> , <declaration-value>? )"
-  },
-  "viewport-length": {
-    "syntax": "auto | <length-percentage>"
-  },
-  "wq-name": {
-    "syntax": "<ns-prefix>? <ident-token>"
-  }

+ 0 - 11

@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-	"universal": 50,
-	"tag": 30,
-	"attribute": 1,
-	"pseudo": 0,
-	"descendant": -1,
-	"child": -1,
-	"parent": -1,
-	"sibling": -1,
-	"adjacent": -1

+ 0 - 102

@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-  "elementNames" : {
-"altglyph" : "altGlyph",
-"altglyphdef" : "altGlyphDef",
-"altglyphitem" : "altGlyphItem",
-"animatecolor" : "animateColor",
-"animatemotion" : "animateMotion",
-"animatetransform" : "animateTransform",
-"clippath" : "clipPath",
-"feblend" : "feBlend",
-"fecolormatrix" : "feColorMatrix",
-"fecomponenttransfer" : "feComponentTransfer",
-"fecomposite" : "feComposite",
-"feconvolvematrix" : "feConvolveMatrix",
-"fediffuselighting" : "feDiffuseLighting",
-"fedisplacementmap" : "feDisplacementMap",
-"fedistantlight" : "feDistantLight",
-"fedropshadow" : "feDropShadow",
-"feflood" : "feFlood",
-"fefunca" : "feFuncA",
-"fefuncb" : "feFuncB",
-"fefuncg" : "feFuncG",
-"fefuncr" : "feFuncR",
-"fegaussianblur" : "feGaussianBlur",
-"feimage" : "feImage",
-"femerge" : "feMerge",
-"femergenode" : "feMergeNode",
-"femorphology" : "feMorphology",
-"feoffset" : "feOffset",
-"fepointlight" : "fePointLight",
-"fespecularlighting" : "feSpecularLighting",
-"fespotlight" : "feSpotLight",
-"fetile" : "feTile",
-"feturbulence" : "feTurbulence",
-"foreignobject" : "foreignObject",
-"glyphref" : "glyphRef",
-"lineargradient" : "linearGradient",
-"radialgradient" : "radialGradient",
-"textpath" : "textPath"
-  },
-  "attributeNames" : {
-"definitionurl" : "definitionURL",
-"attributename" : "attributeName",
-"attributetype" : "attributeType",
-"basefrequency" : "baseFrequency",
-"baseprofile" : "baseProfile",
-"calcmode" : "calcMode",
-"clippathunits" : "clipPathUnits",
-"diffuseconstant" : "diffuseConstant",
-"edgemode" : "edgeMode",
-"filterunits" : "filterUnits",
-"glyphref" : "glyphRef",
-"gradienttransform" : "gradientTransform",
-"gradientunits" : "gradientUnits",
-"kernelmatrix" : "kernelMatrix",
-"kernelunitlength" : "kernelUnitLength",
-"keypoints" : "keyPoints",
-"keysplines" : "keySplines",
-"keytimes" : "keyTimes",
-"lengthadjust" : "lengthAdjust",
-"limitingconeangle" : "limitingConeAngle",
-"markerheight" : "markerHeight",
-"markerunits" : "markerUnits",
-"markerwidth" : "markerWidth",
-"maskcontentunits" : "maskContentUnits",
-"maskunits" : "maskUnits",
-"numoctaves" : "numOctaves",
-"pathlength" : "pathLength",
-"patterncontentunits" : "patternContentUnits",
-"patterntransform" : "patternTransform",
-"patternunits" : "patternUnits",
-"pointsatx" : "pointsAtX",
-"pointsaty" : "pointsAtY",
-"pointsatz" : "pointsAtZ",
-"preservealpha" : "preserveAlpha",
-"preserveaspectratio" : "preserveAspectRatio",
-"primitiveunits" : "primitiveUnits",
-"refx" : "refX",
-"refy" : "refY",
-"repeatcount" : "repeatCount",
-"repeatdur" : "repeatDur",
-"requiredextensions" : "requiredExtensions",
-"requiredfeatures" : "requiredFeatures",
-"specularconstant" : "specularConstant",
-"specularexponent" : "specularExponent",
-"spreadmethod" : "spreadMethod",
-"startoffset" : "startOffset",
-"stddeviation" : "stdDeviation",
-"stitchtiles" : "stitchTiles",
-"surfacescale" : "surfaceScale",
-"systemlanguage" : "systemLanguage",
-"tablevalues" : "tableValues",
-"targetx" : "targetX",
-"targety" : "targetY",
-"textlength" : "textLength",
-"viewbox" : "viewBox",
-"viewtarget" : "viewTarget",
-"xchannelselector" : "xChannelSelector",
-"ychannelselector" : "yChannelSelector",
-"zoomandpan" : "zoomAndPan"
-  }

+ 4 - 4

@@ -32,15 +32,15 @@ export const Feed: React.FC<{notifications: UserNotification[], handleNotifInter
         const notifData = JSON.parse('/g, '"'))
         return (
-            <View style={{flexDirection: 'row', alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'flex-start', borderBottomWidth: 1, borderColor: 'lightgray'}}>
-                <TouchableOpacity style={{flex: 10, padding: 20}} onPress={() => handleNotifInteraction(notifData)}>
-                    <Text style={{paddingRight: 110, fontWeight: ? 'normal' : 'bold', color: ? 'gray' : 'black'}} > 
+            <View style={{flexDirection: 'row', borderBottomWidth: 1, alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'space-between', borderColor: 'lightgray', flex: 1}}>
+                <TouchableOpacity style={{padding: 20, }} onPress={() => handleNotifInteraction(notifData)}>
+                    <Text style={{fontWeight: ? 'normal' : 'bold', color: ? 'gray' : 'black'}} > 
                         {notifData?.notif_type == 'landmark-like' ? <FontAwesome name="thumbs-up" color={ ? "darkgray" : "black"} size={20} /> : null}
                         {"   -   "}
-                <TouchableOpacity onPress={async () => deleteNotificationMutation.mutateAsync(}>
+                <TouchableOpacity style={{justifyContent: 'center'}} onPress={async () => deleteNotificationMutation.mutateAsync(}>
                     <FontAwesome style={{textAlign: 'center', padding: 15}} name="trash" color='red' size={20} />

+ 1 - 1

@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ const IndoorMap: React.FC<IndoorMapProps> = ({ navigation, landmarks, promptAddL
               // initialZoom={2.2}
-              maxZoom={2.8}
+              maxZoom={5}
               onLongPress={(event) => {

+ 1 - 0

@@ -84,6 +84,7 @@ const OutdoorMap: React.FC<OutdoorMapProps> = (props) => {
      * (See the AuthorizedNavigator page for the useEffect that will trigger this)
     useEffect(() => {
+        console.log(props.route?.params?.selectedLandmark)
         if (props.route?.params?.selectedLandmark) {

+ 0 - 4

@@ -38,9 +38,6 @@ interface DetailsHeaderProps {
  * @param 
 export const DetailsHeader: React.FC<DetailsHeaderProps> = (props) => {
-    console.log(props.ratedByUser)
     const {landmarkOwnedByUser, anonUserId, setAlert} = useAuth()
     const photosAreBusy = () => {
@@ -50,7 +47,6 @@ export const DetailsHeader: React.FC<DetailsHeaderProps> = (props) => {
     const HeaderContent: React.FC = () => {
-        console.log(landmarkOwnedByUser(props.landmark))
         // landmark is owned by user
         if (landmarkOwnedByUser(props.landmark)) {
             // editing is enabled

+ 5 - 3

@@ -7,20 +7,22 @@
 import React, { memo } from "react"
 import { View, Text } from "react-native"
+import { useAuth } from "../../data/Auth/AuthContext"
 import { useLandmarks } from "../../data/landmarks"
 import { UserProfile } from "../../data/profiles"
 export const ProfileHeader: React.FC<{profile?: UserProfile}> = memo(({profile}) => {
     const landmarkQuery = useLandmarks()
+    const {landmarkOwnedByUser} = useAuth()
     const getLandmarkCount = () => {
-        return landmarkQuery?.data?.filter(lm => lm.user == profile?.id).length
+        return landmarkQuery?.data?.filter(lm => landmarkOwnedByUser(lm)).length
     const getTotalLandmarkRating = () => {
-        const userLandmarks = landmarkQuery?.data?.filter(lm => lm.user == profile?.id)
+        const userLandmarks = landmarkQuery?.data?.filter(lm => landmarkOwnedByUser(lm))
         if (userLandmarks?.length > 0)
-            return userLandmarks?.filter(lm => lm.user == profile?.id)?.reduce((prev, current) => {return {rating: prev.rating + current.rating}}).rating
+            return userLandmarks?.reduce((prev, current) => {return {rating: prev.rating + current.rating}}).rating
             return 0

+ 0 - 3

@@ -170,7 +170,6 @@ export const AuthContextProvider: React.FC = ({children}) => {
             let currentAccessToken = accessTokenRef.current
             if (currentAccessToken === undefined) {
                 currentAccessToken = await getItemAsync(SECURESTORE_ACCESSTOKEN)
-                console.log("access token found in storage:" + currentAccessToken) 
             if (currentAccessToken && state == 'active') {
@@ -414,8 +413,6 @@ export const AuthContextProvider: React.FC = ({children}) => {
     const landmarkOwnedByUser = (landmark: Landmark) => {
-        console.log(`owned by logged in user: ${landmark?.user == userId}`)
-        console.log(`owned by anon user: ${landmark?.anonymous == anonUserId}`)
         const owned = landmark?.user && landmark?.user == userId || landmark?.anonymous && landmark?.anonymous == anonUserId
         return owned

+ 4 - 4

@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import { Platform } from "react-native"
 import { checkMultiple, openSettings, Permission, PERMISSIONS, request, requestMultiple, RESULTS } from "react-native-permissions"
 import * as Notifications from 'expo-notifications'
 import { useAuth } from "./Auth/AuthContext"
+import { useNotifications, useRegisterNotifications } from "./notifications"
 interface PermissionsState {
     voicePermissionsGranted: boolean,
@@ -65,7 +66,6 @@ export const PermissionsContextProvider: React.FC = ({children}) => {
             granted = Object.keys(requestResult).reduce((acc, permission) => acc && requestResult[permission] == RESULTS.GRANTED, granted)
-            console.log(`${permission} permissions granted: ${granted}`)
             return granted
         } catch (error) {
@@ -104,15 +104,15 @@ export const PermissionsContextProvider: React.FC = ({children}) => {
     const checkNotificationPermissions = async () => {
         try {
             if (Constants.isDevice) {
-                console.log('checking notification permissions')
                 const { status: existingStatus } = await Notifications.getPermissionsAsync();
                 let finalStatus = existingStatus;
                 if (existingStatus !== 'granted') {
                     const { status } = await Notifications.requestPermissionsAsync();
-                    console.log("notification status: " +  status)
                     finalStatus = status;
+                console.log('[Permissions]: Notification permissions: ' + finalStatus)
+                setNotificiationPermissions(finalStatus === 'granted')
                 return finalStatus === 'granted';
             else {

+ 0 - 7

@@ -95,7 +95,6 @@ export const useLandmark = (landmarkId: string) => {
     const queryClient = useQueryClient();
      const getLandmark = async (landmarkId?: string) => {
-        console.log(userId)
         if (landmarkId) {
             const response = await sendApiRequestAsync({
                 axiosConfig: {
@@ -123,7 +122,6 @@ export const useAddLandmark = () => {
     const createLandmark = async (data: {landmarkValue: Landmark | undefined, photos?: LMPhoto[], indoorLmLocImg?: string}): Promise<Landmark | undefined> => {
         if (data.landmarkValue) {
-            console.log("user id is: " + userId)
             if (userId) {
                 data.landmarkValue.user = userId
             } else if (anonUserId) {
@@ -240,7 +238,6 @@ export const useDeleteLandmark = () => {
             if (!accessToken) = {, anonymous: anonUserId}
-            console.log(config)
             const response = await sendApiRequestAsync({
                 axiosConfig: config,
@@ -272,8 +269,6 @@ export const useAddLandmarkPhoto = () => {
             if (!accessToken) = {, anonymous: anonUserId}
-            console.log(accessToken)
             const response = await sendApiRequestAsync({
                 axiosConfig: config, 
                 authorized: true,
@@ -310,8 +305,6 @@ export const useDeleteLandmarkPhoto = () => {
        = {, anonymous: anonUserId}
-            console.log(accessToken)
             const response = await sendApiRequestAsync({
                 axiosConfig: config,
                 authorized: true,

+ 24 - 8

@@ -3,12 +3,14 @@ import { useMutation, useQuery, useQueryClient } from "react-query";
 import { SECURESTORE_NOTIFTOKEN, useAuth } from "./Auth/AuthContext";
 import { queryKeys } from "./query-keys";
 import * as Notifications from "expo-notifications";
-import { getItemAsync } from "expo-secure-store";
+import { getItemAsync, setItemAsync } from "expo-secure-store";
 import { AxiosRequestConfig } from "axios";
 import { Platform } from "react-native";
 import { navigate } from "../navigation/RootNavigator";
 import { usePermissions } from "./PermissionsContext";
 import { LOGGING } from "../utils/logging";
+import { useNavigation } from "@react-navigation/native";
+import { useLandmarks } from "./landmarks";
 export interface UserNotification {
     id: string
@@ -73,12 +75,20 @@ export const useNotificationToken = () => {
             if (response?.data) {
+                LOGGING.log('NOTIFICATIONS', 'info', 'Found notification token on server: ' +;
                 return response?.data
+            LOGGING.log("NOTIFICATIONS", 'info', 'No token on server, getting one from expo...')
             token = (await Notifications.getExpoPushTokenAsync()).data;      
+            if (token) {
+                LOGGING.log("NOTIFICATIONS", 'info', 'Got notification token from expo: ' + token);
+                await setItemAsync(SECURESTORE_NOTIFTOKEN, token);
+            }
-        } catch (error) {}
+        } catch (error) {
+            console.error(error)
+        }
     const {data: token} = useQuery<string, Error>(queryKeys.getNotificationToken, getNotificationToken, {
@@ -157,11 +167,12 @@ export const useDeleteNotification = () => {
 export const useRegisterNotifications = () => {
-    const {setNotificationTokenAsync} = useAuth();
     const {notificationPermissionsGranted} = usePermissions();
     const token = useNotificationToken()
     const {refetch: refetchNotifications} = useNotifications()
+    const landmarksQuery = useLandmarks()
     const {mutateAsync: markNotificationRead} = useMarkNotificationRead()
+    const navigation = useNavigation()
     const registerNotificationsAsync = async () => {
         if (notificationPermissionsGranted) {
@@ -176,7 +187,7 @@ export const useRegisterNotifications = () => {
             return token
         else {
-            console.log('Notification permissions not granted')
+            console.log('[Notifications]: Notification permissions not granted')
             return null
@@ -184,10 +195,13 @@ export const useRegisterNotifications = () => {
     const handleNotificationInteraction = async (notifData: any) => {
         await markNotificationRead(notifData.notif_id)
         await refetchNotifications()
-        if (notifData?.notif_type as NotifType == 'landmark-like' || notifData?.notif_type as NotifType == 'near-landmark')
-            navigate('OutdoorMap', {selectedLandmark: notifData.landmark_id})
-        if (notifData?.notif_type as NotifType == 'near-landmarks')
-            navigate('OutdoorMap', {selectedLandmarks: notifData.landmarks})
+        console.log(notifData)
+        if (notifData?.notif_type as NotifType == 'landmark-like' || notifData?.notif_type as NotifType == 'near-landmark') {
+            navigate('Map' as never, {screen: 'OutdoorMap', selectedLandmark: notifData.landmark_id} as never)
+        }
+        if (notifData?.notif_type as NotifType == 'near-landmarks') {
+            navigate('Map' as never, {screen: 'OutdoorMap', selectedLandmark: notifData.landmarks} as never)
+        }
     const subscribeToNotifications = async () => {
@@ -201,6 +215,8 @@ export const useRegisterNotifications = () => {
                 const notifData =
+            console.log('[Notifications]: Successfully subcribed to notifications.')
             return () => {

+ 0 - 4

@@ -86,10 +86,6 @@ const MainTabsNavigator: React.FC<{navigation}> = ({navigation}) => {
     }, [profile?.show_tips])
     useEffect(() => {
-        /**
-         * useEffect hook that is responsible for registering an appState "change" handler that will call {@linkcode checkToken} each time the app is opened or closed on the device.
-         * @memberOf Atlas
-         */
     }, [userId, notificationPermissionsGranted]);

+ 2 - 2

@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@
 //export const API_URL = ''
 // export const API_URL = ''
-export const API_URL = ''   // Chase
+//export const API_URL = ''   // Chase
 //export const API_URL = ''       // Eric
-//export const API_URL = ''
+export const API_URL = ''
 // export const API_URL = Config.API_URL

Some files were not shown because too many files changed in this diff