@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+/* Copyright (C) Click & Push Accessibility, Inc - All Rights Reserved
+ * Unauthorized copying of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited
+ * Proprietary and confidential
+ * Written and maintained by the Click & Push Development team
+ * <dev@clicknpush.ca>, January 2023
+ */
+import { FontAwesome } from "@expo/vector-icons"
+import React from "react"
+import { useState } from "react"
+import { Text, StyleSheet, Pressable, TextInput, TouchableOpacity, View } from "react-native"
+import Modal from "react-native-modal";
+import Select from "react-native-multiple-select";
+interface ReportProps {
+ isLandmark: boolean
+export const Report: React.FC<ReportProps> = (props) => {
+ const toggleModal = () => {
+ setModalVisible(!modalVisible);
+ };
+ const [modalVisible, setModalVisible] = useState(false);
+ const [value, onChangeText] = React.useState('');
+ const [selectedReasons, setSelectedReasons] = useState([]);
+ const reasons = props.isLandmark ?
+ [
+ { value: '92iijs7yta', label: 'Does not exist' },
+ { value: 'a0s0a8ssbsd', label: 'Spam' },
+ { value: '16hbajsabsd', label: 'Sexually explicit material' },
+ { value: 'nahs75a5sg', label: 'Hate speech or symbols' },
+ { value: '667atsas', label: 'Promotion of violence' }
+ ]
+ :
+ [
+ { value: '92iijs7yta', label: 'Misinformation' },
+ { value: 'a0s0a8ssbsd', label: 'Spam' },
+ { value: '16hbajsabsd', label: 'Sexually explicit material' },
+ { value: 'nahs75a5sg', label: 'Hate speech or symbols' },
+ { value: '667atsas', label: 'Promotion of violence' },
+ { value: 'hsyasajs', label: 'Harassment or bullying' },
+ { value: 'djsjudksjd', label: 'Impersonation' }
+ ];
+ const onSelectedReasonsChange = (selectedReasons) => {
+ setSelectedReasons(selectedReasons);
+ for (let i = 0; i < selectedReasons.length; i++) {
+ var tempItem = reasons.find(item => item.value === selectedReasons[i]);
+ console.log(tempItem);
+ }
+ };
+ return (
+ <View>
+ <TouchableOpacity onPress={toggleModal}>
+ <View>
+ {props.isLandmark ?
+ <FontAwesome style={{ marginLeft: 5, marginTop: 2, marginRight: 10 }} color="white" size={25} name="flag" />
+ :
+ <FontAwesome style={{ paddingTop: 1, marginLeft: 20 }} color="red" size={25} name="flag" />
+ }
+ </View>
+ </TouchableOpacity>
+ <Modal
+ backdropTransitionOutTiming={0}
+ hideModalContentWhileAnimating={true}
+ isVisible={modalVisible}
+ animationIn={'slideInUp'}
+ animationOut={'slideOutDown'}
+ useNativeDriver={true}
+ useNativeDriverForBackdrop={true}
+ onBackdropPress={() => setModalVisible(false)}>
+ <View style={styles.modalView}>
+ <View >
+ {props.isLandmark ?
+ <Text style={styles.modalText}>Report Landmark</Text>
+ :
+ <Text style={styles.modalText}>Report Comment</Text>
+ }
+ <View style={{ justifyContent: 'flex-start' }}>
+ <Text style={{ marginRight: 10, marginBottom: 5 }}>Reason(s) for reporting:</Text>
+ <View style={{ alignSelf: 'stretch', borderColor: "blue", borderWidth: 0, width: '100%', justifyContent: 'center' }}>
+ <Select
+ styleRowList={{ borderColor: "red", borderWidth: 0 }}
+ textColor='black'
+ itemTextColor='black'
+ items={reasons}
+ displayKey="label"
+ uniqueKey="value"
+ submitButtonText="Confirm"
+ submitButtonColor='black'
+ onSelectedItemsChange={onSelectedReasonsChange}
+ selectedItems={selectedReasons}>
+ </Select>
+ </View>
+ </View>
+ </View>
+ <TextInput
+ editable
+ multiline
+ numberOfLines={4}
+ maxLength={40}
+ onChangeText={text => onChangeText(text)}
+ defaultValue={value}
+ style={{ padding: 10 }}>
+ </TextInput>
+ {/* <Pressable
+ style={[styles.button, styles.buttonClose]}
+ onPress={() => setModalVisible(!modalVisible)}>
+ <Text style={styles.textStyle}>Cancel</Text>
+ </Pressable> */}
+ </View>
+ </Modal>
+ </View>
+ )
+const styles = StyleSheet.create({
+ centeredView: {
+ flex: 1,
+ justifyContent: 'center',
+ alignItems: 'center',
+ marginTop: 22,
+ },
+ modalView: {
+ flex: 1,
+ justifyContent: 'space-between',
+ alignSelf: 'stretch',
+ margin: 20,
+ backgroundColor: 'white',
+ borderRadius: 20,
+ padding: 35,
+ alignItems: 'center',
+ shadowColor: '#000',
+ shadowOffset: {
+ width: 0,
+ height: 2,
+ },
+ shadowOpacity: 0.25,
+ shadowRadius: 4,
+ elevation: 5,
+ },
+ button: {
+ borderRadius: 20,
+ padding: 10,
+ elevation: 2,
+ },
+ buttonOpen: {
+ backgroundColor: '#F194FF',
+ },
+ buttonClose: {
+ backgroundColor: '#2196F3',
+ },
+ textStyle: {
+ color: 'white',
+ fontWeight: 'bold',
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ },
+ modalText: {
+ marginBottom: 15,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ }