@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
import React, { useState, useEffect, Children } from 'react';
-import { View, Text, StatusBar, StyleSheet, Dimensions, Button, ActivityIndicator, Alert, Modal, PanResponderCallbacks, PanResponderGestureState, GestureResponderEvent, ImageSourcePropType, TouchableOpacity } from 'react-native';
+import { View, Text, StatusBar, StyleSheet, Dimensions, Button, ActivityIndicator, Alert, Modal, PanResponderCallbacks, PanResponderGestureState, GestureResponderEvent, ImageSourcePropType, TouchableOpacity, Platform, Linking, Pressable, } from 'react-native';
import { Svg, Defs, Rect, Mask, Circle, Marker, Path, Polyline, Image } from 'react-native-svg';
import { RadioButton } from 'react-native-paper';
-import { Picker } from '@react-native-picker/picker';
+import { Picker as EricPicker } from '@react-native-picker/picker';
import ReactNativeZoomableView from '@openspacelabs/react-native-zoomable-view/src/ReactNativeZoomableView';
import Spinner from 'react-native-spinkit'
-import { colors, lmTypes } from "../../../utils/GlobalUtils";
+import { colors, lmTypesIndoor } from "../../../utils/GlobalUtils";
import { MapStackNavigationProp } from "../../../navigation/MapNavigator"
import CustomModal from './modal';
import { FontAwesome } from "@expo/vector-icons";
-import BasementC from './images/BasementC.svg';
-import FirstFloorC from './images/FirstFloorC.svg'
-import SecondFloorC from './images/SecondFloorC.svg'
-import ThirdFloorC from './images/ThirdFloorC.svg'
-import FourthFloorC from './images/FourthFloorC.svg'
-import FifthFloorC from './images/FifthFloorC.svg'
-import { Landmark } from '../../../hooks/useLandmarks';
+import ReactDOMServer from 'react-dom/server'; //npm i --save-dev @types/react-dom
import { ZoomableViewEvent } from '@openspacelabs/react-native-zoomable-view/src/typings';
+import IndoorFloor from '../IndoorFloor'
+// import Toast from 'react-native-toast-message';
+import Toast from 'react-native-root-toast';
+import ArrowButton from './ArrowButton'
+import BottomButtons from './BottomButtons'
+import Picker from 'react-native-picker-select';
+import { Landmark } from '../../../data/landmarks';
interface IndoorMapProps {
@@ -33,91 +33,19 @@ interface IndoorMapProps {
const IndoorMap: React.FC<IndoorMapProps> = ({ navigation, landmarks, promptAddLandmark, focusLandmark, applyFilter }) => {
- const [floor, setFloor] = useState(0);
+ const [floor, setFloor] = useState(1);
const [showME, setShowME] = useState(false);
const [showDots, setShowDots] = useState(false);
const [showAddedDot, setShowAddedDot] = useState(false)
- const [showModal2, setShowModal] = useState(false)
- const [checked, setChecked] = React.useState('information');
- const [coords, setCoords] = useState([0, 0])
const [SVGdim, setSVGdim] = useState([1, 1])
- const [firstTime, setfirstTime] = useState(true)
const [localLandmarks, setLocalLandmarks] = useState<Landmark[]>([])
const imageDim = 0.05 * Dimensions.get("window").width;
- // Main issue is that I need to first load the page to retrieve dimensions of SVG, THEN I can actually use the
- // real proper coordinate values. Before, I used raw numbers, which is why it could load immediately. However here,
- // my state starts with ratio values (0.5 , 0.25, etc), retrieves SVG coordinates, then finally gets the real positioning.
- // let indoorCircles: IndoorMarker[][] = [ //first to fifth floor, last element is basement
- // [{ key: 1, coordx: 0.5 * SVGdim[0], coordy: 0.5 * SVGdim[1], description: "nothing yet1", landmark: "stairs" },
- // { key: 2, coordx: 0.25 * SVGdim[0], coordy: 0.25 * SVGdim[1], description: "nothing yet2", landmark: "stairs" }],
- // [{ key: 3, coordx: 0.35 * SVGdim[0], coordy: 0.35 * SVGdim[1], description: "nothing yet1", landmark: "stairs" },
- // { key: 4, coordx: 0.15 * SVGdim[0], coordy: 0.15 * SVGdim[1], description: "nothing yet2", landmark: "power" }],
- // [{ key: 5, coordx: 0.5 * SVGdim[0], coordy: 0.5 * SVGdim[1], description: "nothing yet1", landmark: "stairs" },
- // { key: 6, coordx: 0.25 * SVGdim[0], coordy: 0.25 * SVGdim[1], description: "nothing yet2", landmark: "stairs" }],
- // [{ key: 7, coordx: 0.35 * SVGdim[0], coordy: 0.35 * SVGdim[1], description: "nothing yet1", landmark: "power" },
- // { key: 8, coordx: 0.15 * SVGdim[0], coordy: 0.15 * SVGdim[1], description: "nothing yet2", landmark: "power" }],
- // [{ key: 9, coordx: 0.5 * SVGdim[0], coordy: 0.5 * SVGdim[1], description: "nothing yet1", landmark: "stairs" },
- // { key: 10, coordx: 0.25 * SVGdim[0], coordy: 0.25 * SVGdim[1], description: "nothing yet2", landmark: "stairs" }],
- // [{ key: 11, coordx: 0.35 * SVGdim[0], coordy: 0.35 * SVGdim[1], description: "nothing yet1", landmark: "power" },
- // { key: 12, coordx: 0.15 * SVGdim[0], coordy: 0.15 * SVGdim[1], description: "nothing yet2", landmark: "stairs" }],
- // ]
- // const [indoorMarkers, setIndoorMarkers] = useState([ //first to fifth floor, last element is basement
- // [{ key: 1, coordx: 0.5 * SVGdim[0], coordy: 0.5 * SVGdim[1], description: "nothing yet1", landmark: "stairs" },
- // { key: 2, coordx: 0.25 * SVGdim[0], coordy: 0.25 * SVGdim[1], description: "nothing yet2", landmark: "power" }],
- // [{ key: 3, coordx: 0.35 * SVGdim[0], coordy: 0.35 * SVGdim[1], description: "nothing yet1", landmark: "stairs" },
- // { key: 4, coordx: 0.15 * SVGdim[0], coordy: 0.15 * SVGdim[1], description: "nothing yet2", landmark: "power" }],
- // [{ key: 5, coordx: 0.5 * SVGdim[0], coordy: 0.5 * SVGdim[1], description: "nothing yet1", landmark: "stairs" },
- // { key: 6, coordx: 0.25 * SVGdim[0], coordy: 0.25 * SVGdim[1], description: "nothing yet2", landmark: "stairs" }],
- // [{ key: 7, coordx: 0.35 * SVGdim[0], coordy: 0.35 * SVGdim[1], description: "nothing yet1", landmark: "power" },
- // { key: 8, coordx: 0.15 * SVGdim[0], coordy: 0.15 * SVGdim[1], description: "nothing yet2", landmark: "power" }],
- // [{ key: 9, coordx: 0.5 * SVGdim[0], coordy: 0.5 * SVGdim[1], description: "nothing yet1", landmark: "stairs" },
- // { key: 10, coordx: 0.25 * SVGdim[0], coordy: 0.25 * SVGdim[1], description: "nothing yet2", landmark: "stairs" }],
- // [{ key: 11, coordx: 0.35 * SVGdim[0], coordy: 0.35 * SVGdim[1], description: "nothing yet1", landmark: "power" },
- // { key: 12, coordx: 0.15 * SVGdim[0], coordy: 0.15 * SVGdim[1], description: "nothing yet2", landmark: "stairs" }],
- // ])
- function arrowBut(num, fontAweIcon) {
- if (num != 0) {
- return (
- <View style={{ flex: 1.2, marginHorizontal: 7, backgroundColor: colors.red, height: 53.5, maxWidth: 60 }}>
- <TouchableOpacity style={styles.arrowButton} onPress={() => { setFloor(prevState => prevState + num) }}>
- <View style={{ flex: 1, justifyContent: "center" }}>
- <FontAwesome style={{ alignSelf: "center" }} color={"black"} size={50} name={fontAweIcon} />
- </View>
- </TouchableOpacity>
- </View>
- )
- }
- else {
- return (
- <View style={{ flex: 1.2, marginHorizontal: 7, height: 53.5, maxWidth: 60, borderRadius: 10 }}>
- </View>
- )
- }
- }
- let num = 0
- const loadCircles = applyFilter(landmarks)?.map((item) => {
- if (num < 2) {
- // console.log("*this is inside loadCircles* SVGdim values are " + SVGdim[0] + " and " + SVGdim[1])
- num += 1;
+ const loadLandmarks = applyFilter(landmarks)?.map((item) => {
+ if (!lmTypesIndoor[item.landmark_type]) {
+ return null
if (item.floor == floor && SVGdim[0] != 1 && SVGdim[1] != 1) {
return (
@@ -128,116 +56,35 @@ const IndoorMap: React.FC<IndoorMapProps> = ({ navigation, landmarks, promptAddL
y={item.latitude * SVGdim[1]}
- href={lmTypes[item.landmark_type]['image'] as ImageSourcePropType} />
+ href={lmTypesIndoor[item.landmark_type].image as ImageSourcePropType} />
- // const loadCircles = landmarks.filter(lm => lm.floor == floor).map(item => {
- // if (SVGdim[0] != 1 && SVGdim[1] != 1) {
- // console.log("svg dimensions are " + SVGdim[0] + " wide and " + SVGdim[1] + " tall")
- // return (
- // <Image
- // // onPress={() => handleDelete(item.longitude, item.latitude , item.id)}
- // onPress={() => focusLandmark(item)}
- // // onPress={() => Alert.alert("long is " + item.longitude + " and lat is " + item.latitude)}
- // key={item.id}
- // x={item.longitude * SVGdim[0]}
- // y={item.latitude * SVGdim[1]}
- // // x={item.longitude}
- // // y={item.latitude}
- // width={0.05 * Dimensions.get("window").width}
- // height={0.05 * Dimensions.get("window").width}
- // href={lmTypes[item.landmark_type]['image'] as ImageSourcePropType} />)
- // // if (item.landmark_type == "stairs") {
- // // return (
- // // <Image onPress={() => handleDelete(item.coordx, item.coordy)} key={item.key} x={item.coordx} y={item.coordy} width={0.05 * Dimensions.get("window").width} height={0.05 * Dimensions.get("window").width} href={require('./landmark_images/stairs.png')} />
- // // // <Circle onPress={() => handleDelete(item.coordx, item.coordy)} key={item.key} cx={item.coordx} cy={item.coordy} r="4" fill="black" />)
- // // )
- // // }
- // // else if (item.landmark == "power") {
- // // return (
- // // <Image onPress={() => handleDelete(item.coordx, item.coordy)} key={item.key} x={item.coordx} y={item.coordy} width={0.05 * Dimensions.get("window").width} height={0.05 * Dimensions.get("window").width} href={require('./landmark_images/power.png')} />
- // // )
- // // }
- // // else if (item.landmark == "information") {
- // // return (
- // // <Image onPress={() => handleDelete(item.coordx, item.coordy)} key={item.key} x={item.coordx} y={item.coordy} width={0.05 * Dimensions.get("window").width} height={0.05 * Dimensions.get("window").width} href={require('./landmark_images/information.png')} />
- // // )
- // // }
- // }
- // }
- // )
- // function addCircle(evt: GestureResponderEvent) {
- // Alert.alert("Are you sure you want to add a landmark here?", undefined,
- // [{ text: "Cancel", onPress: () => console.log("Cancelled") }
- // ,
- // {
- // text: "Confirm", onPress: () => {
- // setShowModal(true)
- // setCoords([evt.nativeEvent.locationX, evt.nativeEvent.locationY])
- // }
- // }])
- // }
- // setCoords([evt.nativeEvent.locationX, evt.nativeEvent.locationY])
- // }
function addLandmark(evt: GestureResponderEvent) {
- if (evt) {
+ if (evt != null) {
Alert.alert("Are you sure you want to add a landmark here?", undefined,
- [{ text: "Cancel", onPress: () => console.log("Cancelled") }
+ [{ text: "Cancel" }
- text: "Confirm", onPress: () => {
- promptAddLandmark((evt.nativeEvent.locationX - imageDim / 2) / SVGdim[0], (evt.nativeEvent.locationY - imageDim / 2) / SVGdim[1], floor)
+ text: "Confirm", onPress: async () => {
+ try {
+ await promptAddLandmark((evt.nativeEvent.locationX - imageDim / 2) / SVGdim[0], (evt.nativeEvent.locationY - imageDim / 2) / SVGdim[1], floor)
+ }
+ catch (err) {
+ Toast.show("Please ensure finger is not moving when holding down on screen.", { duration: Toast.durations.LONG, })
+ // Alert.alert("An error has occured." , "Please ensure thumb is not moving when holding down on screen.")
+ // consider toast
+ }
- }])
+ }]
+ )
- // function addCircleConfirmed() {
- // let newKey: number
- // if (indoorMarkers[floor].length == 0) {
- // newKey = floor * 100
- // }
- // else {
- // newKey = indoorMarkers[floor][indoorMarkers[floor].length - 1].key + 1
- // }
- // const newDot = { key: newKey, coordx: coords[0], coordy: coords[1], description: "filler", landmark: checked }
- // console.log(checked)
- // console.log(newDot)
- // indoorMarkers[floor].push(newDot)
- // setIndoorMarkers(indoorMarkers)
- // setShowAddedDot(true)
- // Alert.alert("Added Circle: coordinates are " + coords[0].toFixed(3) + " and " + coords[1].toFixed(3))
- // }
- function handleDelete(coordx: number, coordy: number, id: string) {
- Alert.alert("Are you sure you want to delete this landmark?", undefined,
- [{ text: "Cancel", onPress: () => console.log("Cancelled") }
- ,
- { text: "Confirm", onPress: () => console.log('delete') }])
- // function handleDeleteConfirmed() {
- // const result = indoorMarkers[floor].filter(indoorMarker => indoorMarker['coordx'] != coordx && indoorMarker['coordy'] != coordy)
- // indoorMarkers[floor] = result
- // setIndoorMarkers(indoorMarkers);
- // setShowDots(true)
- // Alert.alert("Delete: Coordinates of deleted circle were " + coordx.toFixed(3) + " and " + coordy.toFixed(3))
- // console.log(result)
- // console.log(indoorMarkers[floor])
- // }
- }
useEffect(() => {
// Alert.alert("useEffect has been triggered")
@@ -245,71 +92,100 @@ const IndoorMap: React.FC<IndoorMapProps> = ({ navigation, landmarks, promptAddL
setTimeout(() => setShowME(true), 100);
- // useEffect(() => {
- // if (firstTime) {
- // setfirstTime(false)
- // setIndoorMarkers(indoorCircles)
- // console.log("SVGDIM set to: " + SVGdim)
- // }
- // }, [SVGdim])
- const compArray = [
- <BasementC style={{ opacity: 0.7 }} height={"100%"} width={"100%"} />,
- <FirstFloorC style={{ opacity: 0.7 }} height={"100%"} width={"100%"} />,
- <SecondFloorC style={{ opacity: 0.7 }} height={"100%"} width={"100%"} />,
- <ThirdFloorC viewBox='250 136 310 310' style={{ opacity: 0.7 }} height={"100%"} width={"100%"} />,
- <FourthFloorC viewBox='260 151 270 260' style={{ opacity: 0.7 }} height={"100%"} width={"100%"} />,
- <FifthFloorC viewBox='257 153 270 290' style={{ opacity: 0.7 }} height={"100%"} width={"100%"} />,
- ]
- // for (let i = 0; i < landmarks.length; i++) {
- // if (landmarks[i].floor == 1) {
- // console.log("The index that is on floor 1 is " + i)
- // console.log("The longitude is " + landmarks[i].longitude)
- // console.log("The latitude is " + landmarks[i].latitude)
- // console.log("The landmark_type is " + landmarks[i].landmark_type)
- // }
- // }
+ const childToWeb = (child: any) => {
+ const { type, props } = child;
+ const name = type && type.displayName;
+ const webName = name && name[0].toLowerCase() + name.slice(1);
+ const Tag = webName ? webName : type;
+ return <Tag {...props}>{toWeb(props.children)}</Tag>;
+ };
+ const toWeb = (children: any) => React.Children.map(children, childToWeb);
+ function renderSvg() {
+ return (
+ <Svg height="100%" width="100%" style={{ backgroundColor: '#33AAFF' }}>
+ <Rect
+ x="50"
+ y="50"
+ width="50"
+ height="50"
+ fill="#3399ff"
+ strokeWidth="3"
+ stroke="rgb(0,0,0)"
+ />
+ </Svg>
+ )
+ }
+ function changer(num) {
+ setFloor(prevState => prevState + num)
+ }
// TODO: wire up promptaddlandmark, applyfilters, and focuslandmark methods passed from MapNavigator
return (
- <View style={{ height: '100%', width: '100%', padding: 5 }}>
- {/* {console.log("THE STATE IS NOW " + floor)} */}
+ <View style={{ height: '100%', width: Dimensions.get("screen").width, backgroundColor:colors.red }}>
- <StatusBar backgroundColor="#121212" />
+ <StatusBar backgroundColor={colors.red} />
<CustomModal />
- <Text style={{ fontSize: 16, marginBottom: 5 }}>Please select a floor you would like to go to.</Text>
+ {/* <Text style={{ fontSize: 16, marginBottom: 5 }}>Please select a floor you would like to go to.</Text> */}
<View style={{ borderColor: "blue", borderWidth: 0, maxHeight: 50, flex: 1, flexDirection: "row", justifyContent: "center", }}>
- {floor == 0 ? arrowBut(0, "") : arrowBut(-1, "arrow-circle-o-left")}
+ {floor == 0 ? <ArrowButton num={0} fontAweIcon={""} /> : <ArrowButton num={-1} fontAweIcon={"chevron-left"} propEvent={() => changer(-1)} />}
+ <View style={{flex: 5, height: 53.5, width: 200 }}>
+ <Picker
+ placeholder={{}}
+ value={floor}
+ style={{
+ inputIOSContainer: {width:'70%', justifyContent: 'center', alignSelf: 'center'},
+ inputAndroid: {textAlign: 'center', color:"white", },
+ inputIOS: { color: 'white', textAlign: 'center', height: '100%', alignSelf: 'center'} ,
+ iconContainer: {height: '100%', justifyContent: 'center',}
+ }}
+ Icon={() => <FontAwesome name="chevron-down" color='white' size={15} />}
+ onValueChange={(value) => {
+ setFloor(value)
+ setShowME(false)
+ }
+ }
+ items={[
+ { label: 'Basement', value: 0 },
+ { label: 'First Floor', value: 1 },
+ { label: 'Second Floor', value: 2 },
+ { label: 'Third Floor', value: 3 },
+ { label: 'Fourth Floor', value: 4 },
+ { label: 'Fifth Floor', value: 5 },
+ ]}
+ />
+ </View>
- <Picker
- style={{ backgroundColor: '#d9d9d9', width: 200, height: 50, flex: 5 }}
+ {/* <EricPicker
+ style={{ backgroundColor: colors.red, width: 200, height: 50, flex: 5, color: 'white' }}
selectedValue={floor} // the text of what gets displayed on the dropdown header
onValueChange={(itemValue, itemIndex: number) => {
- {/* The value in Picker.Item refers to selectedValue in Picker, which refers to the state "floor" */}
- <Picker.Item label="Basement" value={0} />
- <Picker.Item label="First Floor" value={1} />
- <Picker.Item label="Second Floor" value={2} />
- <Picker.Item label="Third Floor" value={3} />
- <Picker.Item label="Fourth Floor" value={4} />
- <Picker.Item label="Fifth Floor" value={5} />
- </Picker>
+ The value in EricPicker.Item refers to selectedValue in EricPicker, which refers to the state "floor"
+ <EricPicker.Item label="Basement" value={0} />
+ <EricPicker.Item label="First Floor" value={1} />
+ <EricPicker.Item label="Second Floor" value={2} />
+ <EricPicker.Item label="Third Floor" value={3} />
+ <EricPicker.Item label="Fourth Floor" value={4} />
+ <EricPicker.Item label="Fifth Floor" value={5} />
+ </EricPicker> */}
- {floor == 5 ? arrowBut(0, "") : arrowBut(1, "arrow-circle-o-right")}
- </View>
+ {/* {floor == 5 ? arrowBut(0, "") : arrowBut(1, "chevron-right")} */}
+ {floor == 5 ? <ArrowButton num={0} fontAweIcon={""} /> : <ArrowButton num={1} fontAweIcon={"chevron-right"} propEvent={() => changer(1)} />}
+ </View>
- <View style={{ flex: 1, alignItems: "center", height: '100%', width: '100%' }}>
+ <View style={{ flex: 1, alignItems: "center", height: '100%', width: '100%', borderColor: 'purple', borderWidth: 0 }}>
<View style={styles.container}>
{showME === false ?
<View style={{ display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'row', justifyContent: "center", }}>
@@ -317,104 +193,37 @@ const IndoorMap: React.FC<IndoorMapProps> = ({ navigation, landmarks, promptAddL
</View> :
- zoomStep={2.8}
+ panBoundaryPadding={100}
+ // bindToBorders={false}
+ zoomStep={2.8}
// initialZoom={2.2}
onLongPress={(event) => {
- console.log(event.nativeEvent)
+ // serialize()
- }}>
- {/* <Modal transparent={true} visible={showModal2}>
- <View style={{ backgroundColor: "#000000aa", flex: 1 }}>
- <View style={{ backgroundColor: "#ffffff", margin: 50, padding: 20, borderRadius: 10, }}>
- <Text style={{ fontSize: 18, marginBottom: 10 }}>Type of Landmark to Add:</Text>
- <View style={{ flexDirection: "row", alignItems: "center" }}>
- <RadioButton
- value="information"
- status={checked === 'information' ? 'checked' : 'unchecked'}
- onPress={() => setChecked('information')}
- />
- <Text style={{ fontSize: 16 }}>Information</Text>
- </View>
- <View style={{ flexDirection: "row", alignItems: "center" }}>
- <RadioButton
- value="power"
- status={checked === 'power' ? 'checked' : 'unchecked'}
- onPress={() => setChecked('power')}
- />
- <Text style={{ fontSize: 16 }}>Power</Text>
- </View>
- <View style={{ flexDirection: "row", alignItems: "center", marginBottom: 11 }}>
- <RadioButton
- value="stairs"
- status={checked === 'stairs' ? 'checked' : 'unchecked'}
- onPress={() => setChecked('stairs')}
- />
- <Text style={{ fontSize: 16 }}>Stairs</Text>
- </View>
- <Button color={"red"} title='OK' onPress={() => {
- //addCircleConfirmed()
- setShowModal(false)
- }}></Button>
- </View>
- </View>
- </Modal> */}
+ }}
+ movementSensibility={3}
+ longPressDuration={200}
+ >
<Svg onLayout={event => {
- // console.log("OFFICIAL: " + event.nativeEvent.layout.width + " , " + event.nativeEvent.layout.height)
+ console.log("OFFICIAL: " + event.nativeEvent.layout.width + " , " + event.nativeEvent.layout.height)
setSVGdim([event.nativeEvent.layout.width, event.nativeEvent.layout.height])
- // TODO: change this mapping to apply to Landmark type
- // DONE!!!
const transformedLandmarks = localLandmarks.map(item => {
return { ...item, coordx: item.longitude * event.nativeEvent.layout.width, coordy: item.latitude * event.nativeEvent.layout.height }
- console.log("*this is within onLayout* SVGdim values are " + SVGdim[0] + " AND " + SVGdim[1])
+ //console.log("*this is within onLayout* SVGdim values are " + SVGdim[0] + " AND " + SVGdim[1])
- }}>
+ }}
+ >
{/* {firstTime == true ? undefined : loadCircles} */}
- {loadCircles}
- {/* {console.log("Landmark[0]'s landmark type is now " + landmarks[0].landmark_type)}
-{console.log("Landmark[0]'s longitude (x) is now " + landmarks[0].longitude)}
-{console.log("Landmark[0]'s latitude (y) is now " + landmarks[0].latitude)}
-{console.log("Landmark[0]'s floor is now " + landmarks[0].floor)}
-{console.log(lmTypes[2]['image'] as ImageSourcePropType)} */}
- {/* {console.log(landmarks.filter(lm => lm.floor == floor))} */}
- {/* <Image
- // onPress={() => handleDelete(item.longitude, item.landmark_type)}
- onPress={() => { Alert.alert("A landmark has been tapped") }}
- key={landmarks[344].id}
- x={landmarks[344].longitude}
- y={landmarks[344].latitude}
- // y={item.latitude * SVGdim[1]}
- width={0.06 * Dimensions.get("window").width}
- height={0.06 * Dimensions.get("window").width}
- href={landmarks[344].landmark_type as ImageSourcePropType}
- // href={require('./landmark_images/stairs.png')}
- /> */}
- {compArray[floor]}
+ <IndoorFloor floorNum={floor} />
+ {loadLandmarks}
@@ -424,12 +233,18 @@ const IndoorMap: React.FC<IndoorMapProps> = ({ navigation, landmarks, promptAddL
}} /> */}
- <Button title="Go back to map" onPress={() => navigation.goBack()} />
+ {/* <Button title='Press me to svgString' color={colors.red} onPress={serialize}></Button> */}
+ {/* <View style={{ flex: 0.1, flexDirection: 'row', alignItems:'flex-end', justifyContent: 'space-around' , borderColor:'green' , borderWidth:0 ,}}>
+ <Button title="Go back to map" color={colors.red} onPress={() => navigation.goBack()} />
+ <Button title="Resources" color={colors.red} onPress={() => Linking.openURL('https://www.library.ualberta.ca/')} />
+ </View> */}
{/* <TouchableOpacity style={styles.arrowButton} onPress={() => setFloor(prevState => prevState+1)} ><Text>Increase floor by 1</Text></TouchableOpacity> */}
+ {/* <BottomButtons navigation={navigation}/> */}
+ {/* <Text>{floor}</Text> */}
- </View>
+ </View >
@@ -439,9 +254,9 @@ const styles = StyleSheet.create({
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- marginVertical: 7,
- aspectRatio: 8 / 10, // (caters to portrait mode) (width is 66% the value of height dimension)
+ borderWidth: 0,
+ marginVertical: 0,
+ aspectRatio: 8 / 10, // (caters to portrait mode) (width is 80% the value of height dimension)
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// justifyContent: "center",
@@ -451,7 +266,9 @@ const styles = StyleSheet.create({
width: '100%',
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maxWidth: "100%",
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+ maxHeight: "100%",
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image: {
alignItems: 'center',
@@ -463,12 +280,11 @@ const styles = StyleSheet.create({
arrowButton: {
flex: 1,
- backgroundColor: "#d4d4d4",
+ backgroundColor: colors.red,
// backgroundColor: "blue",
height: 53.5,
// borderRadius: 10,
- }
+ },