import WebDriverIO, {remote} from "webdriverio"; const capabilities = { platformName: 'android', deviceName: 'ZY226TBLVN', automationName: 'UiAutomator2', appPackage: "", appActivity: ".MainActivity", app: "C:\\Users\\cdmos\\Desktop\\cnp\\atlas-mobile-ts\\android\\app\\build\\outputs\\apk\\debug\\app-debug.apk", appWaitForLaunch: false, // false needed to run with expo newCommandTimeout: 3000, } jest.setTimeout(120000) const options = { path: '/wd/hub/', port: 4723, }; let driver: WebDriverIO.Browser<"async">; // beforeAll(async () => { // console.log('creating driver') // driver = await remote({ ...options, capabilities}); // console.log('driver created') // }); // afterAll(async () => { // if (driver) { // } // }); it('shows the root view', async () => { console.log('creating driver') const driver = await remote({ ...options, capabilities}); console.log('driver created') const rootView = await driver.$('rootView').isDisplayed() console.log(rootView) expect(rootView).toBe(true) await driver.deleteSession(); }) // describe('app load', () => { // // Add tests here // });