All files / atlas/src/components Map.tsx

50% Statements 24/48
10% Branches 1/10
7.69% Functions 1/13
50% Lines 24/48

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import { FontAwesome } from "@expo/vector-icons";
import * as Location from 'expo-location';
import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react";
import { Keyboard, KeyboardAvoidingView, TouchableOpacity, View } from "react-native";
import MapView, { LatLng, Region } from "react-native-maps";
import Modal from "react-native-modal";
import { colors } from "../globals";
import { Landmark, useLandmarks } from "../hooks/useLandmarks";
import AddLandmark from "./AddLandmark";
import LandmarkDetails from "./LandmarkDetails";
import LandmarkPin from "./LandmarkPin";
 * An interface representing the user location retrieved from [expo-location]{@link}.
 * @category Map
export interface UserLocation {
    latitude: number;
    longitude: number;
    heading?: number;
const directionsUrl = "";
 * The screen component containing the [react-native-maps]{@link} Map and all related functionality.
 * @category Map
 * @component
export const Map: React.FC = () => {
     * State that contains the new {@link Landmark} object which is passed down to the {@link AddLandmark} modal.
    const newLandmarkState: Landmark = {};
    const [newLandmark, setNewLandmark] = useState<Landmark>(newLandmarkState);
     * State that contains the selected {@link Landmark} object which is passed down to the {@link LandmarkDetails} modal.
    const selectedLandmarkState: Landmark = {};
    const [selectedLandmark, setSelectedLandmark] = useState<Landmark>(selectedLandmarkState);
     * Holds the visibility state of the {@link AddLandmark} modal.
    const lmAddVisibleState = false;
    const [lmAddVisible, toggleLmAdd] = useState<boolean>(false);
     * Holds the visibility state of the {@link LandmarkDetails} modal.
    const lmDetailsVisibleState = false;
    const [lmDetailsVisible, toggleLmDetails] = useState<boolean>(false);
     * Flag that toggles whether or not editing is enabled in the {@link LandmarkDetails} modal. 
     * The parent Map component has access to it so that it can disable closing the modal on backdrop press when it is enabled.
    const lmDetailsEditingState = false;
    const [lmDetailsEditing, toggleLmDetailsEditing] = useState<boolean>(false);
     * State that holds a {@link UserLocation} object retrieved from location services.
    const userLocationState: UserLocation | undefined = undefined;
    const [userLocation, setUserLocation] = useState<UserLocation>(userLocationState);
     * Flag that determines whether the map should focus and follow the user's location.
    const followUserState = false;
    const [followUser, toggleFollowUser] = useState<boolean>(followUserState);
    //const [prevFetchedBounds, setFetchedBounds] = useState<Region>();
    const { landmarks, getLandmarksStatus, refetchLandmarks } = useLandmarks(undefined);
     * Ref that holds the loaded [MapView]{@link} instance.
    const mapRef = React.createRef<MapView>();
    useEffect(() => {
         * Prompts user to give permission to track their location using [expo-location]{@link}.
         * If permission is granted, user location will be retrieved and stored in {@linkcode userLocationState}.
         * @memberOf Map
        const requestLocationPermissions = async () => {
            let { status } = await Location.requestForegroundPermissionsAsync();
            if (status !== 'granted') {
            const location = await Location.getCurrentPositionAsync();
            setUserLocation({latitude: location.coords.latitude, longitude: location.coords.longitude})   
            // setFetchedBounds({
            //     latitude: location.coords.latitude, 
            //     longitude: location.coords.longitude, 
            //     latitudeDelta: 0.01, 
            //     longitudeDelta: 0.01
            // });
    }, []);
     * Triggered by long pressing on the map. 
     * Sets {@linkcode newLandmarkState} to a skeleton {@link Landmark} object that only contains the pressed coordinates.
     * Triggers {@link openAddLandmark} via useEffect because the asyncronous nature of useState does not set the coordinates fast enough to toggle the modal directly through this method.
     const promptAddLandmark = (coordinate: LatLng) => {
        setNewLandmark({latitude: coordinate.latitude, longitude: coordinate.longitude});
    useEffect(() => {
         * Opens the {@link AddLandmark} modal when the user creates {@link newLandmarkState} by longpressing the map. 
         * Embedded in a [useEffect]{@link} hook that listens to {@linkcode newLandmarkState}.
         * @memberOf Map
        function openAddLandmark() {
            if (newLandmark) {
    }, [newLandmark]);
    // useEffect(() => {
    //     if (prevFetchedBounds) {
    //         refetchLandmarks();
    //     }
    // }, [prevFetchedBounds]);
     * Triggered by on a {@link Landmark} displayed on the map. 
     * Sets {@linkcode selectedLandmark} to the pressed {@link Landmark} object's value and toggles the {@link LandmarkDetails} modal.
    const focusLandmark = (landmark: Landmark) => {
     * Animates the map to fly over to and focus on the user's location.
    const flyToUser = () => {
        if (userLocation) {
            mapRef.current?.animateToRegion({latitude: userLocation.latitude, longitude: userLocation.longitude, latitudeDelta: 0.01, longitudeDelta: 0.01})
    // const checkBounds = (bounds: Region) => {
    //     if (prevFetchedBounds) {
    //         if (
    //             bounds.latitude < prevFetchedBounds.latitude - prevFetchedBounds.latitudeDelta || // check if new lat exceeds old left bounds
    //             bounds.latitude > prevFetchedBounds.latitude + prevFetchedBounds.latitudeDelta || // check if new lat exceeds old right bounds
    //             bounds.longitude < prevFetchedBounds.longitude - prevFetchedBounds.longitudeDelta || // check if new lat exceeds bottom bounds
    //             bounds.longitude > prevFetchedBounds.longitude + prevFetchedBounds.longitudeDelta || 
    //             bounds.latitudeDelta < prevFetchedBounds.latitudeDelta / 2) // check if user zoomed in to atleast half scale of previous
    //         {
    //             console.log('new bounds')
    //             setFetchedBounds(bounds);
    //         }   
    //     }
    //     else if (bounds.latitudeDelta < 5) {
    //         console.log('initialize bounds')
    //         setFetchedBounds(bounds);
    //     }
    // }
    return (
                style={{width: "100%", height: "100%"}} 
                initialRegion={userLocation ? {latitude: userLocation.latitude, longitude: userLocation.longitude, latitudeDelta: 0.01, longitudeDelta: 0.01} : undefined} 
                onLongPress={e => promptAddLandmark(e.nativeEvent.coordinate)} 
                // onRegionChangeComplete={bounds => checkBounds(bounds)}
                onUserLocationChange={e => setUserLocation(e.nativeEvent.coordinate)}
            {landmarks?.map((landmark) => {
                return (
                <LandmarkPin key={} landmark={landmark} focusLandmark={focusLandmark}/>)})}
            <TouchableOpacity style={{position: 'absolute', bottom: 30, right: 30, backgroundColor:, height: 60, width: 60, borderRadius: 30, justifyContent: "center", alignItems: 'center'}} onPress={flyToUser}>
                <FontAwesome name="location-arrow" size={20} color="white"/>
            {/* <TouchableOpacity style={{position: 'absolute', bottom: 120, right: 30, backgroundColor:, height: 60, width: 60, borderRadius: 30, justifyContent: "center", alignItems: 'center'}}>
                <FontAwesome name="" size={20} color="white"/>
            </TouchableOpacity> */}
                onBackdropPress={() => toggleLmAdd(false)}
                style={{justifyContent: "flex-end", height: '100%', margin: 0}}
                isVisible={lmAddVisible} >
                    <AddLandmark setVisible={toggleLmAdd} landmark={newLandmark} />
                onBackdropPress={() => {
                    if (lmDetailsEditing) {
                    } else {
                style={{justifyContent: "flex-end", height: '100%', margin: 0}}
                <LandmarkDetails setVisible={toggleLmDetails} setEditing={toggleLmDetailsEditing} editingEnabled={lmDetailsEditing} landmark={selectedLandmark} />
        </View> )