4. Landmark Type Organization
nathanial edited this page 2 years ago

This document describes how the landmark types shall be organized within the app.

  • Temporary barriers
    • Snow/Ice
    • Pothole (tagging for different levels?)
    • Small construction
    • Large construction
    • Power out (out-of-service)
    • Tripping hazard
    • Blockage (see comments for details)
  • Permanent barriers
    • Stairs
    • Non-power door
    • Cross-walk issue
  • Difficult access
    • Rough terrain (tagging for different levels?)
    • Steep incline (tagging for different levels?)
    • Tripping hazard
    • Narrow path
    • Height issue
    • Signage issue
  • Accessible
    • Washroom with accessible features (see comments)
    • Ramp
    • Mobility aid provided (list of mobility aids provided)
    • Information kiosk
    • Accessible entrance (see comments)
    • Elevator
    • Power door (tag for power-out? tag for easily usable button?)
    • Adapatable furniture (i.e. Desk is accessible)
    • Child-friendly area
    • Curb cut
    • water fountain (i.e. item is accessible, garbage can)
  • Unpleasant
    • Loud
    • Stinky (garbage nearby)
  • Not on list