123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233 |
- import React, { useEffect } from 'react';
- import { Alert, ImageBackground, StyleSheet, View, Dimensions, TouchableOpacity, TextInput } from 'react-native';
- import { Controller, useForm } from 'react-hook-form';
- import { Text, } from 'react-native-paper'
- import 'react-native-get-random-values';
- import { useRegistrationFormState } from '../contexts/RegisterContext';
- const RegisterCredentials = ({navigation, route}) => {
- const { dispatch, state: { username, email, password, } } = useRegistrationFormState();
- const { control, handleSubmit, watch, formState: {errors} } = useForm({
- mode: 'all'
- });
- const submitCredForm = (formData) => {
- dispatch({ type: "USERNAME_CHANGE", payload: formData.username });
- dispatch({ type: "EMAIL_CHANGE", payload: formData.email });
- dispatch({ type: "PASSWORD_CHANGE", payload: formData.password });
- navigation.navigate("Measurements");
- }
- useEffect(() =>
- navigation.addListener('beforeRemove', (e) => {
- e.preventDefault();
- Alert.alert(
- 'Going so soon?',
- 'Are you sure you want to cancel registration?',
- [
- { text: "Don't leave", style: 'cancel', onPress: () => {} },
- {
- text: 'Discard',
- style: 'destructive',
- onPress: () => {
- dispatch({ type: "USERNAME_CHANGE", payload: null });
- dispatch({ type: "EMAIL_CHANGE", payload: null });
- dispatch({ type: "PASSWORD_CHANGE", payload: null });
- dispatch({ type: "HEIGHT_CHANGE", payload: null })
- dispatch({ type: "WEIGHT_CHANGE", payload: null })
- navigation.dispatch(e.data.action)
- },
- },
- ]
- );
- }),
- [navigation]);
- return (
- <ImageBackground style={styles.container} source={require('../assets/cover-dark.png')}>
- <View style={styles.brandContainer}>
- <Text style={styles.title} >Welcome!</Text>
- </View>
- <View>
- <Text style={styles.subtitle} >Let's start with some basic account information.</Text>
- <View style={{margin: 20}}>
- <Controller
- defaultValue={username}
- control={control}
- render={({ field: { onChange, value }}) => (
- <TextInput
- mode="outlined"
- style={[styles.textInput, errors.username && styles.errorInput]}
- placeholder="Username"
- value={value}
- onChangeText={value => onChange(value)}
- ></TextInput>
- )}
- name="username"
- rules={{ required: true, minLength: 5, maxLength: 15}}
- />
- {errors.username?.type === "required" && <Text style={styles.errorText}>Username is required.</Text>}
- {errors.username?.type === "minLength" && <Text style={styles.errorText}>Username must be at least 5 characters.</Text>}
- {errors.username?.type === "maxLength" && <Text style={styles.errorText}>Username must be no more than 15 characters.</Text>}
- <Controller
- defaultValue={email}
- control={control}
- render={({ field: { onChange, value }}) => (
- <TextInput
- mode="outlined"
- style={[styles.textInput, errors.username && styles.errorInput]}
- placeholder="Email"
- value={value}
- onChangeText={value => onChange(value)} />
- )}
- rules={{
- required: true,
- pattern:
- {
- value: /^[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,}$/i
- }}}
- name="email"/>
- {errors.email?.type === "required" && <Text style={styles.errorText}>Email is required.</Text>}
- {errors.email?.type === "pattern" && <Text style={styles.errorText}>Must be a valid email address.</Text>}
- <Controller
- defaultValue={password}
- control={control}
- render={({ field: { onChange, value }}) => (
- <TextInput
- mode="outlined"
- style={[styles.textInput, errors.username && styles.errorInput]}
- placeholder="Password"
- autoCompleteType="password"
- secureTextEntry={true}
- value={value}
- onChangeText={value => onChange(value)} />
- )}
- rules={{
- required: true,
- pattern:
- {
- value: /^(?=.*\d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])[\w~@#$%^&*+=`|{}:;!.?\"()\[\]-]{8,}$/
- }}}
- name="password"/>
- {errors.password?.type === "required" && <Text style={styles.errorText}>Password is required.</Text>}
- {errors.password?.type === "pattern" && <Text style={styles.errorText}>Password must be at least 8 characters and contain one lowercase letter, one captial letter, and one number.</Text>}
- <Controller
- defaultValue={password}
- control={control}
- render={({ field: { onChange, value }}) => (
- <TextInput
- mode="outlined"
- style={[styles.textInput, errors.username && styles.errorInput]}
- placeholder="Confirm password"
- secureTextEntry={true}
- value={value}
- onChangeText={value => onChange(value)} />
- )}
- rules={{validate: value => value === watch('password')}}
- name="confirmPassword"/>
- {errors.confirmPassword && <Text style={styles.errorText}>Passwords do not match.</Text>}
- </View>
- <TouchableOpacity onPress={handleSubmit(submitCredForm)} style={styles.nextBtn} >
- <Text style={{ color: 'white', fontSize: 20 }}>Next</Text>
- </TouchableOpacity>
- </View>
- </ImageBackground>
- )
- }
- const styles = StyleSheet.create({
- container: {
- position: 'absolute',
- width: Dimensions.get('window').width,
- height: Dimensions.get('window').height,
- flex: 1,
- flexDirection: 'column',
- resizeMode: 'cover',
- },
- brandContainer: {
- marginTop: 50,
- height: 50,
- marginLeft: 25,
- flexDirection: 'column',
- justifyContent: 'space-evenly'
- },
- title: {
- fontFamily: 'RacingSansOne-Regular',
- color: 'white',
- fontSize: 20
- },
- subtitle: {
- fontFamily: 'RacingSansOne-Regular',
- color: 'white',
- fontSize: 15
- },
- title: {
- fontFamily: 'RacingSansOne-Regular',
- color: 'white',
- fontSize: 20
- },
- subtitle: {
- fontFamily: 'RacingSansOne-Regular',
- color: 'white',
- fontSize: 15,
- margin: 20
- },
- textContainer: {
- marginHorizontal: 20,
- marginBottom: 30,
- borderRadius: 50,
- },
- textInput: {
- marginVertical: 7,
- paddingLeft: 30,
- borderRadius: 50,
- overflow: 'hidden',
- backgroundColor: 'white',
- height: 50
- },
- errorText: {
- alignSelf: 'flex-end',
- color: 'red',
- fontSize: 15
- },
- errorInput: {
- borderWidth: 2,
- borderColor: 'red'
- },
- nextBtn: {
- marginHorizontal: 20,
- marginBottom: 100,
- borderRadius: 50,
- justifyContent: 'center',
- backgroundColor: '#df3f3f',
- margin: 5,
- height: 50,
- alignItems: 'center'
- },
- backBtn: {
- marginHorizontal: 20,
- marginBottom: 10,
- borderRadius: 50,
- borderColor: 'white',
- borderWidth: 2,
- justifyContent: 'center',
- backgroundColor: 'transparent',
- margin: 5,
- height: 50,
- alignItems: 'center'
- },
- })
- export default RegisterCredentials;